Servers down forever, come say hi

A spider got into my basement smoke detector.
It made for a needless adrenaline rush in the middle of the night.


Burn the house down !

Bed time soon. Then work. Then home and WoW. Currently playing around with the talent calculator on wowhead. Coming up with some builds to try. Some of the trees look so damn fun! Unholy can basically just go full necromancer now!


Howdy! Yep, gonna touch grass. Took the dog for a long walk this morning, and we may go to a park later (weather permitting) between errands.

I’ve been saying I want to do that for the last 13 years. Not sure the HoA would be down for it though.

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i dunno how people live with some of these HoA people


Maaaaaaan, prepped my “waterpipe” (sorry blizz), coffee maker, was looking forward to a day of FA but nooooo servers wont be up until freaking 6:00Pm EST. gdi.

Don’t apologise. It’s important to stay hydrated :+1:


Eh, honestly ours are fine. I appreciate what they do rather than being irritated by what they won’t let me do. And our HoA fees aren’t egregious like some I’ve heard of.

If I did want to get rid of the turf on our property, I could do it, though probably not by just straight up replacing it all with rocks like I’ve been joking about for years.

NGL, been playing Unholy in beta with Rider of Apoc and it’s wonderful!!! At least I think it is .

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Around the same time realms come back up I’ll have to touch some grass on the way to work :slight_smile:
I’ll be off again friday.

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While everyone is here I’d just like to say Frenzied Flame is the best ending to Elden Ring.

Yep yep yep! Gonna touch grass and make art. :alien:

Yeah that’s the plan for my DK. Did they ever change the horses that the other riders use though? I was really bothered by them riding on the mawsworn chargers. That’s not their vibe!

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No because it is supposed to get to 112 where I live (For those in Canada that is 44.4444 celsius)

I have a job interview today after work, so that should eat up some time before the servers come back up.

It’s saying 6 EST, so hopefully by the time I get home we’ll be good to go.


I’m going to get some gardening tools and some rich soil to repot some little fellas. I’ve really gotten into real life herbalism lol. The heat here has been tough and my potted plants were heading towards death… quickly.

Now, they’re blooming flowers again. Beautiful pastel blue! I’m motivated to be a plant mom. Wish me luck! I need it.


Ooh, good luck!


i like rice food :smiley:
