Servers down forever, come say hi


Yeah, women too.

I detect sarcasm. lol
It’s usually too hot and humid for me.

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Where do we find the time updates

Best Lionel Richie song is Sail On, its about leaving a girl that a part of you still loves.

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They didn’t go THAT far… I hope. Hopefully they will just install the backup remix file so we can all play that.

Agree, one of the best Commodores songs. Men always still love something in all the girls we leave over the years. May not admit it, but we do.

Ya nobody meets a girl and realizes how things will be when physical attraction wears off, and the girl you fell in love with is 800LBs, bald, toothless with a wandering eye …will you still love her the same?

I already did my daily penance and went outside. :slight_smile:


I did. First when I let the chickens out of the pen. Then it was feeding the foxes breakfast and cleaning out there beds. After that was checking in on the ostrich. Then took the puppers for a walk along the river.

Thanks for asking and I hope you have had a wonderful day too.

I asked ChatGPT to write a story about the servers being down, I figured I’d share it here:

Once upon a time in the digital realms of Azeroth, a great calamity struck. The mighty game servers of World of Warcraft (WoW) went down for maintenance, leaving millions of players suddenly bereft of their virtual homeland. This tale of woe and humor unfolds on a fateful Tuesday, a day that would forever be known as the “Great WoW Blackout.”

Our story begins with Thog the Barbarian, a fierce warrior with a heart of gold and an intellect to match his strength. Thog had just been on the brink of slaying the fearsome dragon, Munchkín the Menace, when the screen went black. Thog stared at his monitor, his battle cry of “FOR THE HORDE!” still echoing in his room. His eyes widened as he saw the dreaded message: “Server Maintenance: Estimated Time - 8 hours.”

“NOOOO!” Thog roared, pounding his keyboard with such force that his cat, Mittens, leapt three feet into the air and promptly fled the room.

Across the globe, similar scenes played out. In a cozy apartment in Paris, Fleur the Sorceress was in the middle of a high-stakes auction for a rare phoenix mount. As the countdown timer ticked down, she could almost feel the feathers beneath her. Then, the server went down, and her dreams of riding a majestic phoenix evaporated like mist. Fleur’s scream of frustration was so intense it scared off a pigeon perched on her windowsill.

In the depths of a New York basement, Frank the Rogue had just crafted the perfect stealth gear to sneak into Stormwind undetected. He was poised to pull off the greatest heist in WoW history. As he donned his new cloak, the screen froze. Maintenance! Frank’s anguished howl reverberated through his mom’s basement, sending his dog Buster into a fit of howling in solidarity.

Social media exploded with the collective groans and grumbles of WoW players worldwide. Memes sprang up like wildfire, depicting characters in various states of distress. One particularly popular meme featured a cartoonish Thog weeping over his keyboard, with the caption: “When the dragon is almost dead but Blizzard says ‘Not today!’”

The WoW forums were ablaze with conspiracy theories. Some believed it was the work of rival game developers, others thought it was a test of player loyalty by Blizzard. The most outlandish theory suggested that the servers were down because the gnomes had unionized and were demanding better working conditions.

In a desperate bid to fill the void, players turned to other activities. Thog tried knitting but ended up with a tangled mess of yarn. Fleur attempted to bake a cake shaped like a phoenix but ended up with something that looked more like a melted snowman. Frank, ever the rogue, decided to prank call Blizzard customer support, disguising his voice as a concerned grandmother asking why her “young 'un’s wizards and goblins” were missing.

Eight hours later, the servers came back online. There was a collective cheer as players rushed back to their digital homes. Thog reconnected just in time to see Munchkín the Menace yawn and fly away. Fleur found her auction had ended, but the phoenix was still there, miraculously unsold. Frank’s heist was still on, and he picked up right where he left off.

As the players resumed their adventures, they couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of their predicament. The Great WoW Blackout had brought them frustration, but also a sense of camaraderie. They had faced the horror of server maintenance and lived to tell the tale.

And so, the legend of the masses of angry players and their hilarious plight was passed down through the annals of WoW history, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always room for laughter.


Ok, you are absolved…

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Doing well. I didn’t touch any grass, but I came close. I’m just afraid of ticks.

I asked ChatGPT to write a story about all the storys they are asked to create and its brain exploded

Yes, I would. All the men I’ve been friends with in my almost 60 years are still with those women that have changed appearance over the years. Men don’t leave women because of how their appearance changes. We don’t leave unless there is something extensive like drugs, cheating, etc. It is usually the women that leave to go searching for greener pastures.

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Greener pastures for the Ferals??

Yes, but also mowed it.

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:frowning: m they are screwing with people I’m on PST and they just increased time off to 5:00 P.M.:frowning: