Servers down. Cheaters being punished

I play retail, heroics are def not once a day there I didnt know omg.

they removed heroic lockouts on retail recently, only mythic has lockout.

I can’t wait for the “I was banned and don’t know why” threads. :rofl:

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More like a Trojan horse… make something they knew to watch and wait for the ONES they want to spam it…

Reported for spamming threads about the same topic

Why so salty?

I made this thread because servers went down.

Go chill and cry a little.

Nah, it’s definitely spam.

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seriously man, as much as you RP on the forums; you really ought to consider Grob

If only Grob was on East :expressionless:

make a character, scout out a late night guild; there are tons of them. I don’t think the latency will be a prob because there are lots of east coast players.

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This. I’m an East Coast player and the latency is just fine.

For me it goes up like 50ms, I tried and I gave up, sadly.

for world pvp no biggie.

for BG it will be whatever you see now because BG servers are not your home server.

From my experience, the go-to motto in retail wow the last 4+ expansions has been “exploit early, exploit often”.

Well blizz caught onto that nonsense and decided to be a little more aggressive.

Perfect example is the quote that Wooppee linked from community manager Lore.

Read the EULA. Wilful ignorance won’t protect ya.

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For once, something out of your mouth isn’t completely mind bogglingly stupid and I can agree with it.

Willful being the operative word.

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I hope you were all over it vs the pile of LFD posts


Lol, happy to help

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