Server free transfers or Merge

Yes, I’m on Earthfury horde and Earthfury alliance. Horde, when you play, is just mostly the same as always - you just see less alliance in the world. The alliance situation is not good at the moment. I wouldn’t call that side dead, there are still plenty of players. However, it is… depressing is the best word I can use as well as harder to do things. A server that was 50-50 at the start of TBCC.

A lot of ally guilds left and a lot of people who didn’t want to leave followed their guilds anyway. My ally guild does not want to leave yet and neither do my friends but who knows in a month. I will not leave for the guild but may leave for friends (although I would only leave with one character) or I’ll stay just and PVP/help others who stayed behind.

You’re right about not transferring your horde off of Skeram. The biggest problem is when you look at all of the NA servers. Pretty much every server has had issues in some way.

There are some posters on here who have never cared but for those who don’t hide behind an alt most are already on mega servers and prefer them. They don’t care because they have what they want and can ignore the rest. If their servers started having queues they’d be screaming about that, and loudly. These same people have been upset about other similar things in the past. It’s funny to see these same people super upset that they can’t get resources on their mega servers.

When your mom would tell you “actions speak louder than words” she wasn’t lying. Blizz has told us everything we need to know about how seriously they are taking TBC classic, with their complete lack of regard for issues like these. My sub has 2 weeks left on it, and then im gone. :wave:


Letting our subs end seems like the only way to send a message


The problem will work it’s way down and suddenly even the mega servers will be dead


When you look at the different posts in the TBC forums around 90% of them are pleas for Blizzard to fix populations on struggling and dying servers.

Why is this not being fixed!

This lack of any type of action is disgusting and disrespectful to us paying subs. Something needs to be done!

Once my server gets to a point that it is no longer fun or worth playing I will cancel my subscription and I encourage others to also not purchase server transfers to leave dying servers.

I’m not opposed to a server transfer fee but not for this reason.

We shouldn’t be paying extra money because they can’t do their job properly!


Might as well ask for the free deluxe edition…

I don’t think asking for them to find a way to save dying servers is a hard ask.

I don’t care about deluxe edition and would never buy it for any dollar amount.

They offer our characters transfers my guy! $$$ I personally don’t care either way! They can merge or not I don’t care. They haven’t even talked about it and there must be 10,000 posts on the matter. Blizzards silence speaks volumes…


So how long have you worked for blizzard?

Lol I’m touched that you believe that…

So here’s some interesting information.

New World servers had queues with lines of over 10k people waiting to get in on day 1.

I’m response, same day might I add. They opened up over 30 additional servers.

They also stated they will open up free transfers when things stabilize so that everyone can play right now without having to worry about being on the same server as their friends for the long haul .

Also worth noting is that every 120 days you can switch you faction if you feel like it.

All of these noted changes and services being offered to players that don’t even pay a monthly fee is coming “free of charge”.

Blizzard has the manpower to do something very easily in the matter of less then a week.

There is no excuse for their lack of action on this matter!


Ive always rolled with the punches, I only came back to warcraft to twink and have spent a considerable investment of time grinding and building my alts across two accounts, I dont multibox just window click, Im normally a solo player but the lack of horde on westfall has destroyed the economy and turned the game into a massive single player questfest and nothing more.

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How has this still not been addressed?

Customer service anyone?

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They pay $15 a month… for “free” stuff. Why would be upset with people for not wanting to spend $25 per character for something your $15/month should fix?

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Customer service department: 1 intern.


You mean to tell me it’s unhealthy that there’s more people talking in chat that it’s a dead server than there are people actually looking for a group?

Kirtonos has realistically turned into a PVE server since the first or second week TBCC launched, if not before. Now it’s just a very low pop PVE server.

Sadly, most days the server feels like a friend or relative that’s terminally ill…you can still have some good moments, but you know the clock is ticking without a miracle cure…trying to 19 man SSC/TK doesn’t really improve morale, either. I’m just worried about how many more players we’re going to have throw in the towel over the next couple of weeks.

And since there’s no one left to recruit, once those guys are gone, the raid group is done…and since the only thing to do now is raid log, if raiding is impossible, there’s no reason to justify a sub.

We know Blizzard is looking at realm populations and choosing to ignore speaking to the community about TBC Classic realm populations, as there are some transfer initiatives for Classic realms (Non TBC)

Today they announced new upcoming servers for Classic WoW. We demand an update on TBC Classic servers. This is insulting


I highly suggest to those affected by this to cancel your subscriptions and leave feedback in the reasons why you’re cancelling. Expect content creators and more of the community to be aware of these server population issues plaguing Classic WoW in the near future. The community deserves a response from Blizzard already. Do not let anymore low-medium pop realms die by paying for transfers.


This is complete garbage. Like, I want to play this game but some servers are dying and are making it impossible to find groups and actually enjoy the game.

Do something already! I’m not giving you more money to fix an issue that Blizzard is too money hungry to do the right thing and fix themselves.


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