Serpentstalker's Trickery

It only took me about 15 runs (2 mythic, 5 heroic, 8 normal)

Edit: got it on normal in LFG

Finally got mine, in normal, after 40 runs.

Ran 3 or 4 clears, the rest was all done via the 5 Hunter skip farm.


My issue right now is on my server they want 15k for the base ring and 50k for the base shoulders, so I am trying to level my JC. Made the mistake of choosing threads of fate and it just feels like it’s taking 4 times as long to get the same amount of xp.

I was in a party with another hunter doing M0 and we both got it, first shot last night. Couldn’t believe the luck.

That’s what I did, took 39 runs, did it the on Wednesday, right before they announced the hotfix. Which I knew was going to happen, as soon as I farmed it, they’d buff the drops.

Don’t try to level using the area objectives and world quests. Do the side quests instead (even better if there’s also an area objectives and/or world quest there), and always be in a queue for dungeons. It’s quite fast if you’re doing the side quests and dungeons. It’s just the area objectives and world quests that are garbage for XP efficiency.

Holy crap this isn’t a near guaranteed drop? I didn’t realize that. Thats way too many runs for a lot of you guys.

It took me 3 or 4 days, but I found an enchanter who had the recipe for Enchanted Heavy Callous Hide. I had all the mats and tipped 2k to craft 4 of them, compared with ~4500 for each on AH.

Missives were another 1500 each.

I don’t know the cost of the LW mats since I farmed them myself and didn’t check the value before crafting, but getting those hides took a LONG time.

I crafted the shoulders. Technically the ring is better for dps when full BiS (since you can get higher than normal ilvl shoulders from Denathrius), but you get much less benefit from a ring while progressing through the tier. Shoulders give consistent value, if slightly lower in the extreme long run.

Well, I don’t want to have to craft the same power twice.

I went with the shoulders mostly because I had a 184 ring from M0, and had bought the incredibly delicious BoE 190 ring that (134 crit + 23 mastery? /drool), yet still had 158 shoulders because RNGesus is still punishing me for failing to pray to him one afternoon back in 2006.


I cheated, and just got the free 171 in all slots for doing pvp.

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i think its funny the amount of QQ from the people in this thread when they cripple MM in 2 weeks just because of the crying from PvP.

I got it on my 6 run total or my 3rd hunter cheese run so I’m pretty lucky

IIRC it’s near guaranteed from M0 now, and a much higher drop rate in heroic.

My friend mains hunter and it took him 18 runs or so, I got mine on my alt during my first heroic run. :man_shrugging:t2:

Same :frowning:

I had no idea it was difficult to get. I must have a horseshoe up my butt, because I got it on my first run on normal.

It was actually the first Shadowlands dungeon I had run. All I do is BG’s and War mode questing. I honestly thought the recipe was a guaranteed drop when it landed.

Sorry it’s taking so long. I hate when RNG destroys lives.

Took me roughly 20 runs 10 Normal 8 HC 2 Mythic… Got it on Normal with a 4 hunter group 2 of us got it in the same run

Let me tell you a story before you keep going - Because I had a guild-mate that did 140+ runs with no drops without realizing this and he got it the very first run after he did the quest.


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