Serpentstalker's Trickery

I got 2 in 5 runs.


What difficulty?

I ran a mythic today with one other hunter and we both got it, so I think if you do it in mythic, then you’ll have better luck getting it.

I ran mythic in it last week and this week. It took a total of 39 runs to get it to drop, including those two mythic runs. This is frankly dumb.

Granted, probably less of an issue starting next week, with M+ spam becoming possible, but when the only difficult that has a rational drop rate is on a weekly lockout, it’s a serious issue. Blizzard did not think this one through.

Like, the Torghast ones are guaranteed drop, even though you can repeatedly run that as much as you want. Why are the dungeon ones on like a 2-3% drop rate?

Dropped on mythic. Ran heroic once.

The Torghast ones are guaranteed because they are on a rotation - you only see each wing once every 3 weeks.

I’m up to 26 attempts, most in Hunting Parties. I saw 6 drop tonight for my fellows, but none for me.

Over 70 kills and seen it drop 15 times for other players. By this rate, ¼ of all hunters in WoW will have been in the same group as Brightrope-Thrall when their Serpentstalker’s Trickery dropped. Congrats, again.


I wasn’t going to attempt to farm it, figured I’d just get it eventually while running randoms. Got it on my first Heroic run yesterday ! So guess I’m one of the lucky ones. Even crafted shoulders with it too :slight_smile: It’s pretty good!

I was in a hunter group that formed on lfg, we decided to farm the serpentstalkers boss by running through the zone and FDing in the right spot. Nothing about it felt degenerate, just using our class abilities, it was actually really fun.

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Took 100 kills but eventually did get mine. It exists.

Ya, but you can run that wing as many times as you want during that week. You don’t get any extra rewards, but neither do you from chain-running normal or heroic Plaguefall when you’re at 170-180 itemlevel.

The problem isn’t that they are 100% inside Torghast, it’s that they aren’t reliable outside Torghast.


Yep. I wasn’t saying Torghast shouldn’t have 100%, I was saying putting the instance-sourced ones on a <5% drop was simply dumb.


My focus is m+ so I went with unblinking vigil
SST will come in time
Not like we won’t top Nathria meters with or without SST

I mean, SST is like a 10% increase to our damage. If you’re rocking Unblinking in Castle, don’t expect to be topping the meters. Knocking 10% off MM’s SimC output puts it warming the bench with SV near the bottom.

Good news for folks still needing this!

/sigh, and of course I did the farm for it yesterday evening.

Yo, can this drop from the LFG or does it only drop while in a premade group on Normal, Heroic, or Mythic?

Lfg works. I got mine on heroic.

Awesome, thank you for the clarification.