Serpentstalker's Trickery

Anyone got the memory yet? i have run Plaguefall soooo many times and nothing :frowning: does it even drop in Normal Plaguefall?


Yes, it drops from normal.

I ran it 29 times before I got it to drop for me.
And yes, I stayed (90% of the time) to finish off the last boss with the group.
Helped gear up a lot of future level 60 mail-wearers during my time there too lol.


Iā€™m on the similair ā€œadventureā€ - queing normals and looting 6g instead of a leggo memory.

I donā€™t know why people drop, itā€™s like 5 minutes from the end of the 3rd boss to the end of the instance and that beats the hell out of a 30 minute Deserter debuff.

Iā€™ve taken to giving away the drops I donā€™t need to leveling characters, maybe that will build some good karma for me and Iā€™ll see the drop eventually.

If not Unblinking Vigil is available from Layer 3 Upper Reaches this week so we can at least get a solid AoE legendary guaranteed.

This is getting annoying, i am on run 40+ without the memory.

You donā€™t get a deserter buff if you leave after the first boss, only penalized with deserter for noping out of the gate. You are always subjected to a 15 minute CD, but that timer starts with the dungeon.

16 runs got it to drop

I had a very nice run with 2 other hunter on normal, was kicked out right before the 3rd boss. It was kinda weird, not like I did anything wrong. Just got kicked out by the lead hunter. So, ye might encounter that.

Just saw this linked on icy veins.

With a 3 Hunter group all using Camouflage, you can skip everything and get to and kill the 3rd boss in under 5 minutes. Looks like you may also need Comfortable Riderā€™s Barding to prevent getting dazed and dismounted.

Iā€™m happy to run groups with anyone who wants to get this done (well when the storm Iā€™m in has passed and my power is reliable again), hit me up on Discord Adreaver#7926 if you want to make a group.



The good news is, you have until the end of week 4 technically to get it before you are actually behind.

Psa to anyone going for leggos. The loot tables for bosses also include regular elite loot drops so boe stuff. Atm there is a pretty good chance of getting BoE 190 epics from bosses due to smaller boe loot table. Since SL my guild has reported a lot of epic drops. I got some boots from a mid dungeon boss. Even had a tank get 2 190 shields in a single run of da other side.

Any Horde Hunters wanna try and farm it on Normal wanna give it a go let me know Hezeus#1443

I have it. Iā€™m not sure how many times I ran it. It dropped the first time I was actively queueing Plaguefall specifically to get it but I had done Plaguefall a few times before that when gearing up, so Iā€™d say about 5-10 times.

49 Normal, 4 Heroic and 1 Mythic and finally got the drop.

6 runs today and nothing oh wellā€¦

omg ppl doing 50+ runs for it? crazy

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I Have done this about 18 times total.
The ONE time i saw it drop, went to some yutz of a hunter who was doing 1/3 of the dps of me. Felt real good to see that.

I got it on my first mythic run :slight_smile:


I ran it a total of 5 times before it dropped

Took me 44 runs to get it, pretty annoying.