Serpentstalker's Trickery

Drop rate is pathetic. Been running this for four days now. Ridiculous.

Have you tried running it at mythic or M+?

It finally dropped today. Here’s my pathetic summary;
4 - Normal
29 - Heroic
2 - Mythic

That sucks man. I play BM and it dropped for me after a few runs. Hope you get it soon!

Got it after about 7 or 8 Normal and Heroic runs. Hang in there, it’ll drop eventually.

I know its tough but dont give up hope. you will get it!

Meanwhile some classes get their BiS from the great vault quest…

Or from running a single 3+ Torghast.

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Ran it once on mythic and got it my first time. I believe the chance to get them increase with the higher difficulty you run the dungeon in, I could be wrong but it sure seems that way.

That is the case, or at least Ion has claimed as much. He said that, as of the hotfix a week or so after this thread was created, heroic would have substantially higher droprate than normal, mythic would have substantially higher than heroic, and M+ higher still, scaling with key level.

That’s why my guidance for instance legendaries is now basically “run it on mythic”.

I got mine a while back after 36 runs, but still happy to run with fresh Hunters who don’t know the route. Send me a DM on Discord if you need a hand.

With decent gear this should be pretty doable on heroic, for better droprates.

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In que for my 47th run atm.
42 heroic
+3 and a 0
This drop chance is out of pocket.

Have you completed the Runecarver questline on that character?

yeah I got it, not a big fan of it though, prefer the one that increases damage of rapid fire by 25% and has a chance to reset with autoshot.

Yup finally got it on run #57

Got mine long time ago when I was still doing Heroic dungeons. There were 3 Hunters on that Plaguefall run. As soon as it dropped to me, the other 2 hunters left… and there was still one boss left. Well, we didnt need the other 2 hunters to clear it. The party just need me. :slight_smile:

But I was a bit frustrated back then becoz I got 3x BM’s Memory legendary back then before this MM legendary dropped to me and I am with MM since day 1 of Shadowlands. I should have known it would drop to me eventually. I was just impatient.

I got it after ~10 runs. My heart goes out to anyone still grinding for this as even those 10 runs were too many.

Seriously isn’t fair that some classes’ BiS is literally guaranteed from the great vault quest or an easy LFRF boss while so many other classes need to grind for theirs.

Surprisingly took 2 runs for me. Did one reg mythic and a +3 plaguefall and it dropped.

Did they change the drop rates for it? I had done one normal dungeon a long time ago and not gotten it. Then I got enough soul ash for a legendary so a group helped me get it. We tried mythic0 with no drop and then did a mythic+2 and it dropped. I don’t know if I was lucky or if they made it drop more reliably.

They changed it awhile back that the harder the difficulty the more likely it’ll drop.

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