Seriously 8k queue........ Blizzard

They did. Y’all wrecked that, too.

Literally the first thing I read when I came on in here.

Players chose to inflate that server’s population and that is a player issue, not blizzard. Expect queue times to be common on those mega servers… or you could just transfer off to a server that has no queue times?

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It’s only going to get worse when WOTLK comes. You boys enjoy your queues while some of us actually get to enjoy the game.

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Solid gold, man

looollll you picked the highest pop realm of all time and gave the pikachu surprise face when you had to sit in a que?

me and my friends specifically avoided benediction because we knew there was going to be a que at release. you wanna play with all the streamers and big boys but also dont want to have to wait in line.

please. you cant have your cake and eat it too. i learned that as a child.

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oh so blizzard is supposed to do what then?
either force half the pop to another server and face cry babies on the forums, or invent a server with infinite resource which has never existed before and never will exist lol ?

So transfer off Benediction?

Blizzard doesn’t have any hardware. They’re using Microsofts servers.

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Almost every remaining server is a mega server though. Blizz shut most of them down.

Yeah why would a company be responsible for the product they produce.

Hey to many people are using the theme parks rides and it’s causing wear and tear, well it’s a people made problem why repair it. :crazy_face:


I mean…people transferred over to ben near the end, what do you think would happen? Also, there’s quite a few streamers on bene also so… what do you expect?

Transfers aren’t a solution for the issues affecting players on low pop realms. Realm Connections (read: NOT Cross-Realm) are.

Easy 7.4k queue on Bene atm.

Moar layerz Blizz! Moar layer!

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its a greedy cash grab from blizz. theyll fix before release, they just want whales to pay the 35$ xfer. shameless honestly.

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Right. People are like “lol ur fault for playing on Benediction” - I been on Bene since Day 1 classic launch in 2019. It was a “Medium/High” pop PVP server back then, came back to the game in TBC, and it turned into a mega server. Hard to leave when you started here from the start and have multiple 60’s and 70’s there, plus friends/guild.


The transfers are free

All these suggestions treat the symptoms, not the actual cause. Have players made the issue worse? Yes, to some extent. However, if realm populations and faction balance was capped from the start, you wouldn’t have the issues you have today.

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It’s the same for me on Grobbulus. I never wanted to be on a mega server, but it came to me.


That’s ridiculous. Not every player showed up yesterday.


No they aren’t. But if I could somehow log into grob I could transfer to a US East server so my ping quadruples or I can just uninstall because the other option is a PVE server and I exclusively play pvp servers. In fact I already paid money to transfer 5 toons to Grob about a year ago. In the 15+ years I have played WoW I have only played on PVP servers. It’s what I pay for… You know this paid product, that I bought, sub to, have spent hundreds in xfers over the years, etc. But what do you expect from a level 12 troll lol.