Seriously 8k queue........ Blizzard

You know, I thought their server architecture was scaleable now to help handle launches like this, retail launches have been so peaceful since legion. Maybe that’s only retail?


It’s not the players responsibility to have stable servers. If the servers are at capacity they shouldn’t have allowed transfers and took the money.

We don’t see the numbers and server capacity. BLIZZARD DOES. dont make excuses for this multi billion dollar company…


less than 500 players on 3 of the 8 layers currently on benediction, the rest have upwards of 2k, one has 5

Refusing to consider the consequences of actions does not mean those consequences won’t happen. Folks simply need to cope.

Dumb response…… shouldn’t be a Que to log in. This isn’t 1997

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Isn’t it though?

The game is only good with an extremely healthy, robust playerbase… you can’t get that by transferring to a server with 800 people now and will be dead in 1-2 months.

Overflow servers are a staple for much less successful MMOs.

Lastly, Blizzard could just say: “Transfer to this server, you’ll be able to retransfer back for free once there are no more lengthy queue times.”

But Blizzard doesn’t want to do that: they want to ship you to a dead server, then have you pay to transfer back once the queues are gone.

So no, I don’t buy this is a “player created issue”.

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On Grob yes. Just tried logging into an 8.6k queue.

they should have put a hold on character creations on those realms for people who weren’t already on there

it’s a shame the only thing blizzard can think about is just gender related

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Over 2 hour queues for a subscription service is unreasonable. These servers were hitting “full” during peak hours already and should have been closed to new players before prepatch. It’s absolutely Blizzards problem and they have a responsibility to their customers to fix it.

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The solution is simple.

Randomly assign guild and players to servers in an even manner. Lock those servers, accounts and factions so you can’t change ever again.

New accounts can pick their faction but get assigned a permanent server. That’s where they get to play.

There, that’s how Blizz can solve the problem. Any other answer is prolly going to have to be a player based one.

when you tell everyone no cross realm QoL features to preserve community then everyone will just go to 1 server and look what happens.

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Bene is where my boost/my main is and will be.

I am basically part of the problem.

But the thing is, I played on a small server half of TBC and group finding was a drag. I said I’ll never do that again- I will be a on a mega server, because I ain’t sitting around LFG and scraping barrels for proper 3s comps when my requirements are you are 2k experience AND not an elitist toolhat.

I asked for LFD cross-realm tool that came with Wrath originally and expected it to sort the group finding problem. You, the community said no, Blizzard said no to my ask.

You left me basically no choice but to pile on and I wouldn’t have done it if you made LFG. Friends on other servers and low pop on my server are simply issues I won’t do again. Give me LFD and I’ll go somewhere and I’m sure others will too. Until then, I’m staying, and I don’t mind the queues cause I got mass hobbies and stuff I can do and a PS5.

You may say ‘oh nice ultimatum and ego’ but it’s not intended that way- I’m simply explaining exactly why I am doing what I am doing in response to the design philosophy so you know why people like me are crowding in here. It’s because I feel you gave me no choice. No, that’s disingenuous- you gave me like, two to three choices, and this was the best one for myself, finding arena mates, finding premade bgs, and finding pugs. The other couple options don’t work for me.

So here we are. I’m a refugee and I’m not leaving without concession. All expansion.


They do listen to players, It’s why we have body types and pictures of fruit now.

Yes, because WE, the players, purchased the servers and hired people to code how all this crap works together. You got it buddy! Gold star!

Except this is the opposite of getting mega servers since you limited the pop!!!

Pservers were mega servers. These servers are mildly mega at best

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They intentionally lowered server capacity, enjoy! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Or…tell everyone who rolled on a full server, or transferred to a full server on/after prepatch “sorry, we messed up, pick a new realm.”

The real solution is simply Blizz making the investment to increase server capacity on the servers having this issue.

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Im just going to un sub unfortunately after 3 years. I refuse to pay for something that I can no longer play. Blizzard shut down a bunch of servers right before they re release the most popular expansion? Offer a free transfer to only 2 servers? Smaaaart

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It’s not a player based issue though. I just rolled on a FRESH server. Guess how many FRESH servers there are in US West? ONE. I don’t have another option, I am forced to this ONE server.

Stop simping for a multi billion dollar company.