Seriously 8k queue........ Blizzard

Lord I can’t wait that long that would drive me nuts. It’ll probably be lower in the morning or afternoon tomorrow if you or anyone has time to log in for 30 minutes to an hour right quick lol (trying to mitigate pre-patch/launch clogs) lol

I’m so curious to see if there’s still a queue tomorrow morning/afternoon, if there is, then we are in trouble. lol

Seriously blizz make bigger servers this shouldnt be that comlicated after almost 20 damn years.

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player made issue? To guise this as a ‘player made issue’ is churlish


Windseeker has no queue. Not laughing at our small realms now are ya?

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Seethe and cope, seethe and cope.

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FRESH is looking better now isn’t it.

Mega server for more than a year, but we still have to queue . Blizzard act like a going down company , they dont know what will happen in new patch . All staffs look like new bie too.

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i hard disagree. they know what the server pops are

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Have you seriously not played on launch over the past like 20 years … just one time? Because it’s always like this in every singe expansion

Y’all find literally anything to complain about

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Was a 4000 queue when I logged off to eat. Shoulda had a hot pocket ready :frowning:

players chose to join FULL servers.

We need free transfers off like yesterday for those that want out. Removing RDF caused this. No one wants to be on a low pop realm and be unable to find a group. However if a few thousand get siphoned off Benediction to say something like Aitesh or Pagle or something that might be enough enticement cause they arent completely dead.


I did not choose to join a full server. a quarter of the population on benediction didnt CHOOSE. We started here.

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fresh will become just like the other servers in a month either full or dead. Not sure why people think it’ll be any different.


You seem mad FRESH is doing fine already.

yes and no.

West side breaks down to a few servers on life support. they weren’t dead enough to pull the plug, some you go why?!?

Atiesh pve only.

whitemane 99% horde. Alliance rushing there is not happening.

or grobb. and this is why grobb I can’t even log into. chosen for the above reasons. and 1 of only 2 RP servers. Bloodsail was nice. I started alliance there. NIce place, bad ping (for me). I was not alone there it seems.

I could move to atiesh…in about 1.5 months when transfer cd burns off. that 3 month rule ain’t helping them right now I’d say.

yes, everyone has a good excuse.

reality is there are too many people with good excuses.

google up Myzrael’s ironforge numbers. they have been like that for many months.

Old blanchy was truly the wth leave out from recent consolidation. they’ve asked to be put down. many times…

even horde going Atiesh horde…would be better.

Side note atiesh worked for me as I have a lower level char there. its at semi-mega server level. Not all 5000 alliance played at that one time I guess.