Seriously 8k queue........ Blizzard

This is tasty thank you

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So for context my addon is tracking me at 126,000 xp an hour and i been doing it for 2.5 hours.

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Wow. That’s great, cause I really don’t want to level through Outland again. :rofl:

5 layers too lol

Gotta love people on here acting like one-off queue issues make mega servers not worth it. I’ll take a few nights of queued entry over months of playing on a dead server any day.


Oh wow. That’s an interesting read. I thought adding more layers would have fixed the issue.

Hey Blizzard, stop being cheap. You’re on the cloud. At the click of a button you can upgrade your hardware capacity lol.


8k isn’t all that bad lol.

I mean, technically you could transfer off, but at the risk of ending up on a dead server. I’d just suck it up and take it.

lmao even

You know, I got lucky with 100 players in queue when I got home around 4:00 or so, but after playing for a few minutes I got a two warnings I got scared so I logged off. (I wish I didn’t)

You gotta love these folks kicking sand in other people’s faces for picking a server where their friends play. Not to mention picking a server that has a high enough population to make NOT having RDF viable.


Yea i have some 70s on Myzrael but every time i’ve logged on to Myzrael since moving to a different server chat has been absolutely dead. It was VERY RARE that i saw someone looking for a group for anything


rawr rawr
world of queuecraft

Players going were the most players are to play with, mind blowing.

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Emergent player behavior of leaving a server en-mass is not the same as population control of a server tho. Blizzard could have and should have absolutely limited transfers to mega-servers in order to maintain stability. Limiting the transfers at a certain cap is a win-win situation, lower pop servers get more players and the high-pop servers maintain stability. Doing nothing or detrimental decisions however is a prime example of Blizzard’s mentality to solve WoW’s problems over the last 15 years. Also before you blame me for transferring to Bene, i’ve been on it since classic vanilla launch.


They could have limited it, but that is at the risk of players just quitting because they are on a dead server.

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Bene is at 11k right now… kinda doubt grobb is that high.

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Just tried 10 minutes ago, was at 10k

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Think it’s bad then wait until Wrath releases you probably won’t get onto that realm for a couple of days.

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My example was alliance, PvP-East. Aetish is PvE-West, the literal opposite.

And you’re talking about stymying Blizzard’s revenue. That’s a big No No. Daddy Blizzard needs to get its taste.