Seriously 8k queue........ Blizzard

“waaa, boo hoo, nooo no new servers, we don’t have enough people for new servers. WAAAAA. CRYING, PLS NO”

Blame the people who have been like that the last few weeks

To be fair, in many cases there isn’t much choice for somebody joining today. Let’s say you wanted to roll alliance on a PvP-East server. Your options are currently Benediction, which is overloaded. Faerlina, which is overloaded and 99% horde. Sulfuras, which is probably the closest to mid pop, but also like 98% horde. And Earthfury, which is close to dead. So where do you really go?


When you log back on after taking a few months off to find that there is no one on your server anymore, and the only place to go for free is a Mega Server, ya totally the players fault.


If players hadn’t left your server for mega servers it wouldn’t be dead. Player issue.


I was forced to go to Faerlina after resubbing because that’s where all my friends transferred to after Herod died.


Grobb has a higher queue than Ferlina and Benediction, that’s pretty awesome to see how popular we have gotten over here :smiley:


I mean, it’s a player caused issue, but as a company that would like to receive our money, it’s a company problem to solve. Your suggestion is basically “if you’re left on a dead server then quit”. Because there is no “middle ground” server to go to in some cases. It’s mega server or ghost town. As I pointed out above, alliance on PvP-East has no “good” options, for example.

Ultimately I don’t think it’ll matter much. There will be queues for some of pre-patch. And at launch for like a week. Then it’ll be business as usual.


We’re the last remaining PvP server in NA. Bene and faerlina are too soft. Its no wonder Grob is blowing up


Blizz has a solution it’s just not the one people want. Server transfers. Want to get off a mega server? you can transfer for a fee or wait for a potential free one. There is a solution people just don’t like it.

The irony is that you’re complaining that there are too many people.

I like how people on these forums throw this idea around like it somehow gives Blizzard a pass on fixing things.

It doesn’t lol.

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But where are they going? To a dead server? Asking people to be a martyr and hope others follow is a bit of a leap.

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Aetish is a large but not mega server, predominantly alliance but with very active horde players. I’m quite happy here. A little research can help the choice, there is a middle ground available players just don’t wanna do the work themselves, if they could even at this point, i think that ship sailed.

Blizzard is supposed to invent new hardware that can support players more than existing hardware, apparently.

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I never heard that server talked about lol, the new pve server had no queue, wonder what the player limit full is.

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Some of us have been on the same server since day 1. Back then it was medium population with little to no queues. Now it’s full and I’m sitting in an 8k queue. Oh well, this too shall pass.

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Every major expansion this occurs. Stop acting surprised.

How much XP are you getting per game?

Around 35-40k every 10-15 minutes.

And 800-1k honor.


Awesome. I’ll be spamming it on my DK once I can log in.