*Serious Topic* PvP Gearing in BFA & Shadowlands

I was just pointing out the ease of it. That’s all.

I do not like it personally, and much preferred the systems of honor gear, conquest gear, and all that from expansions past.

Exactly the point. According to Jugaa and Herc its a coincidence that the streamers who used to solely do PvP content have suddenly started to do scripted PvE content as well. Its not that PvE is superior to PvP in every aspect for gearing up :crazy_face:.

As it is now, where gear is merely a stat-stick (aside from trinkets and certain essences/corruption effects) PvE gear is king and will remain so. They need to implement either a stat like pvp power/resilience or have PvP oriented gear scale up in PvP combat similar to how it did in WoD. Or player vs player content will continue to be overshadowed by player vs script content.

Doubtful though, since they even removed the raid tier set bonuses. They want gear to be generic - useful throughout all modes of play. Which is a design I do not support.

For PvE content gear attained through PvE should be best. For PvP content PvP gear attained through PvP should be best.


I actually don’t care what streamers do. For me, doing RBGs every night is fun, so that’s what I do.

How “fun” is doing RBGs with the limited amount of teams doing it? For alliance the amount of people doing rated bgs is very small.

I’m in a community of lots of people who play every night. Also, group finder is usually filled with RBG groups Horde side.

Are you unable to admit this whole expansion has been focused on PvE, while PvP has been left to collect dust?

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I mean, wow is a pve game mostly. I’m not one bit surprised.

The fact that as a community we no longer even have a Lead PvP Dev to discuss and implement changes should tell you all you need to about PvP = left to rot.

That leaves people who actually like pvp playing it.

Except when they come up against PvE DragonslayerPro- who proceeds to faceroll with their boosted ilvl and essences.

Maybe in arenas. BGs are fine

Are they though? Since they removed the healer cap in bgs, sometimes its 4 heals vs 0 resulting in a blowout.

At 120? no it’s not.

What most are y’all are saying about getting gear, it’s probably true But the fact is you gotta do other stuff to get that gear. If I was to do just BG.s like I love to do, I would be so far behind I would never catch up that is the problem.

Like I said before, I’m starting the new job so I will have very little time to play wow, maybe if I’m lucky 1 hour a day. I would love to just do BG.s in that time, but the way you have to gear nowadays That’s not gonna happen.


This is a huge game. I don’t think it’s too bad to want people to do more than just spam Bgs. You can’t just spam LFR and have the gear level of others either.

That is another problem which BFA has advanced to a stupid high level. Looking at a fresh dinged 120 - which is normally around 380ish ilvl . The power creep has gotten ridiculous this expansion, since most 120s are now pushing upwards of 460+ ilvl.

The strength disparity between even 15 ilvls is very noticeable, but 30+ ilvl difference is insane.

And that is just raw ilvl - adding in essences and corruption bull**** is another fiasco.


Agree to disagree. I don’t find it bad at all. But I also didn’t queue up at sub 400 ilvl.

This really is the crux of the problem, I think. I certainly think it’s good to try other aspects of the game, but right now the only reasonably effective way to gear for PvP is to exclusively PvE.

If you want to be reasonably useful in whatever form of PvP you do, it’s actually in your best interests to not PvP at all. Just do the PvE ilvl stuff until you get some base level of gear, then go PvP.

Right now, depending on your class, that reasonable level of base gear is anywhere from 430 to 445 to get started. Folks who are running their mythics up to 15 and heroic raids are already up to 460 to 470.


Which is horrid since the 2 previous expansions did not have such an offset of “participate in PvE or you fall behind” design philosophy.

Legion had templates which were faulty due to not having secondary stat priority choice. Before that was WoD which imo was a perfect system of PvP gearing. Currency + vendor + items scaling in PvP combat = win.

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