Its how nearly everyone does RPGs.
I would say those are an outlier.
Also, you cant just compare MMORPGs to RPGs. But to other MMORPGs.
You are getting on to Blizzard for what is basically an industry standard.
EverQuest did it.
FFXIV does it.
Its how nearly everyone does RPGs.
I would say those are an outlier.
Also, you cant just compare MMORPGs to RPGs. But to other MMORPGs.
You are getting on to Blizzard for what is basically an industry standard.
EverQuest did it.
FFXIV does it.
I understood that and I think the way it is now is probably the best way except I think they may gatekeep too much.
Again, not everyone will get BIS for whatever reason.
I don’t run mythic anything so Idk what affixes are like.
I’ve heard a lot of stories about them but Idk if people like them or not, how many like them vs those who don’t, etc…
So I can’t comment on that. I’m limited in what I can offer up.
I probably shouldn’t even post about this.
The content is supposed to be fun accomplishing it in the first place. The final boss doesnt even need to drop gear because you dont need his rewards to kill him. Make good gear available all over from anything. Make the raids fun to accomplish.
In a perfect world everyone has access to BiS. People who do the hardest content get it sooner, though.
100% of players just so certain elitist, d-bag forum posters lose their minds and self-worth because everyone has the same gears as them. I’d pay double the subscription price for those tears.
I think they kind of do that already. Kind of.
I can only go by my ingame experiences but I think I’m geared enough for what I do, how I play.
So to me, I am BIS. For now.
Blizzard made that possible. Didn’t used to be that way though.
As for faster, Idk if mythics are faster what with all those affixes they have to play through.
I know some, maybe nearly everyone likes to have challenges but Idk if they toned down the affixes a bit if that would make a difference in how many more players would be successful.
It can be both an accomplishment and a feel rewarding. This is an rpg, it makes sense for the final boss to reward better loot. Moreover it adds some replayability, if bosses don’t drop loot then you’d extend from the start and would simply skip doing the last boss more than once unless there is a cosmetic you really want.
Depends on the content - PVP or PVE? Because there is a difference.
In PVP case - everybody past the basic random bgs should have access to BIS - because it mostly comes from a vendor anyways. Just a grind.
In PVE case - those who can kill the bosses to get the loot… which is not everyone.
Sounds like you are losing your mind and self worth my friend
To answer your question with a longer statement that’s 100% and it will offend people because its truth.
WoW will never move from path of scaling gear with the difficulty of content. Not because they don’t have good ideas or solutions to gearing. Not because they are afraid that people would accuse them of copying other newer MMO’s. They simply are afraid to hurt their loyal player base.
Those are people who play wow from day 1. Even people who started in BC or Wrath. They invested their whole life, and threw away their real life always be better in wow then other players. This is their only achievement they are proud off. Real life sucks for them, so its either wow and be best in wow, or end on anti depressants, drugs or any other reality twisting substance, Blizzard would change the game long time ago, but mentioned people above need a home and sense of achievement.
You started off well.
Turned toxic quick.
Truth is never pleasant
And the truth is you made a horrible post generalizing a ton of people.
And it reflects on you greatly.
“anyone who disagrees with me is one step away from being a drug addict”
Wonderful take. Full of maturity.
I generalized many people yes, I can’t speak the same for EU since I have been living there and people tend to have more free time and quality time to spend on whatever they want.
Life in USA is quick paste life. Fast food, fast life, and whole system in general is terrible and not friendly towards anyone who is not rich. Games in USA created a sense of false reality where people tend to escape to ignore everything happening outside, and when you are in a game for 15 years, you tend to see yourself superior to people who are newer to the game. Ofc with that mentality comes as well " I worked hard for it and played during that time, why didn’t you"
Or maybe people have a basic understanding of RPGs and the risk vs reward system.
Funny you talk about usa being fast food, fast life, and the system being horrible.
But then you flip it. The people that are horrible are the ones that do not want a fast/easy gearing system. You would think you would support the anti-fast system of WoW…no?
Why do you bemoan the fast life of US, while wanting the fast life in WoW? While saying the people that do not want the fast life in WoW are drug addicts and depressed people?
Seems like a huge double standard.
Who said I want fast type game in WoW? I just named one reason Blizzard won’t do it, I didn’t say I want the same thing OP wants.
Me with anything above Captain in Stellaris.
Except I’m still working on that.
You might, however, need to better define “have access to”.
So are you saying you are a depressed drug addict?
No I’m not a American. Jk
For me game is a game.