There’s different levels of skillset. Some roles have a higher ceiling than others. It’s not about “get gud”, some people are just better gamers than others. Just like not everyone is a “math person” or could “learn to code” or an “artist”.
Whats a fair number in your opinion of people that should have access to the best gear like myth track? The top 25%? top 10%? top 5%? How much gatekeeping would be considered fair in your minds?
And would someone of lower skill having BIS effect your enjoyment of the game in a negative way?
Edit: great conversation and viewpoints!
My main concern is the skill ceiling and time investment being raised for the same rewards. Its almost like an employer I used to work for. I led a sales team that was one of the top 10 in the eastern US. We blew away our goals and other teams every month. Well… they rewarded us by doubling our goals. We had to work TWICE as hard to make the same money. That wasnt fair and I quit. This is how M+ feels to me now. Even AOTC raiding mechanics have become more complex over the years.
Realistically, everyone should have access to all gear…because the game should be designed so that you become more powerful as you complete harder content and progress. (i.e. the way it was in the ole days)
Unfortunately, Blizzard has built a lot of skill into that equation…so there is a giant skill wall that blocks a lot of people from ever reaching real BiS. Nowadays, skill is a lot more important than gear in a lot of cases. That’s especially evident at the beginning of seasons.
If there were 10 difficulties of raids and each of them would offer better gear than the others and would scale in difficulty I’d be fine with less than 0.1% being able to get the best gear. Gear is not gatekeeping but a reward and a tool for progressing through content.
What other people get isn’t really the question, if easier content gets rewarded more then when you manage to clear harder content there is less or no rewards. Moreover, the same could be said the other way : Why do you care if people pushing content get better rewards?
Max ilvl gear should be available through all forms of content with enough time played. Skill rewards should be permanent things like transmogs, titles, and mounts. Gear resets 3 or 4 times every year. The reward for completing the most difficult content should be more permanent.
MMOs aren’t inherently difficult in the first place, the harder you make your content in an MMO the less accessible it is.
There’s nothing in this game that I would say is inherently difficult, people can make non-difficult things difficult though by tackling them poorly.
100% of players have access to all BIS gear. But blizzard cant play the game for you so its your chose to do the content that rewards it or not. It aint rocket science, its pushing buttons on a keyboard