Serious question: What % of players should have access to BIS gear?

For people who can’t get top level gear a random mythic item isn’t going to break the game, but it’ll make that person real happy. So yea, it is better I suppose.

Create a 5th color set of the gear that only comes from world quests as a rare drop. They’ve done it before. (For example, the Unity set in Shadowlands.)


More options always good, but what I’m saying is that the little guy who is probably not very good at the game and just world quests and delves for example… they get a big stat stick from mythic and feel a bit more OP in their daily grind. I don’t see the harm in that.

But overall to answer the OP, NO, everyone should not have full BIS access if they don’t do content.

that’s a self-imposed restriction. The first people to get there got there somehow …

If they put the effort? 100%.

Gear acessibility shouldn’t be locked behind a Population%.


Indeed. And then the developers have, year over year, made it impossible for gamers to get there without a full time staff. Roster management, treasury management, strategy, not to mention the minute to minute call outs and technical support with all the addons you need. It’s a LOT.

The idea that someone can just “be good at the game” and get CE and gilded harbinger is ludicrous. You join one of these teams and you live on their schedule or you just don’t play. It’s nothing like the old days.

It’s enough that literally any alternative sucks bodies away. It’s not fun. It’s anti-fun. 10 man raiding? Too contentious. So they killed it. Titanforging? Can’t have noobs getting a bis item once a season, gotta kill that. Now m+ is in the cross hairs, despite doing so much FOR raiders. It gives people the idea that they could maybe finish their character arch without scheduling their lives around the game. So it has to go. Crafting, one piece every 2 weeks was too lucrative. Had to cap that, too.

They won’t be happy until raiding is all that there is, not realizing the game would die if that was the case.


they added difficulties so those players can have content without taking away from yours. Now you just want their content. Why can’t you be happy with LFR, normal and heroic?


I like our current system where 100% of players can access all forms of content if they want too.

The only thing limiting anyone right now is their own skill, and willingness to engage with content.


I like playing Civ 6.

I used to not be able to beat Deity difficulty.

Did I ask the developer to make Deity easier?


I got better at the game, and beat it.


Personally I see BIS as being defined by the level of content you are doing. If you are a casual raider doing normal, than that to upgraded heroic is probably your BIS. One should be considering content above their heads as their BIS.

Well no, see I used to be able to 100% every season. They actually took that away from me when they locked mythic to 20 man.

They’ve designed people like me out of a game. And yeah, my little slice might not be a big one in the grand scheme of things, but if you look at a pizza with a missing slice, I think you’d send it back.

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IMO everyone already has access to the BIS for their skill level.

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Opportunity! Everyone according to his capabilities. The American way!

Needing 5 less people locked you out of content? But you survived downsizing 40 to 25.

Which is an even bigger jump.


Well yeah. Because back then, raids were puggable. I killed BT with a healer who was an infamous clicker. And not like last-minute before the patch, I mean we had BT on farm for months, making it up as we went, and we had server first kills of several bosses in TBC and WotLK. I think we missed realm first Sar3D by hours.

The design decisions around mythic raid are supposed to make it exclusive. It’s supposed to make it sporty. It’s not an accident, that was a decision they made in earnest. And, for people like me, it changed me from a satisfied customer to an outsider. I’ve made runs at going back into mythic since then, but the overhead of managing a guild is just too much.

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100% of players have access to BiS gear, they just have to go do the content that drops it.


Some raids were harder, they removed the attunement for BT because most people couldn’t kill Kael’thas.

They removed the attunement to help combat the “feeder guild” phenomenon. Guilds forever stuck in SSC and TK because every time they’d get a good roster going, their dudes would leave for a guild like mine. KT was a super buggy fight, and kinda stupidly long, but it wasn’t bad enough for them to nerf it.

That’s the same thing to me as saying they were stuck because the fight was too hard.
You simply explained the consequences.

show up for loot, none of the prog.

Why would a guild want those players?