I know speed runners that would disagree. People replay old games all the time. I have a GameCube, Dreamcast and GBA that all still see play because good games are worth replaying.
I laugh at people who say Skill and WoW in the same sentence. The only people who have skill are the addon makers.
You also don’t do content so you can’t accurately judge.
Why does there need to be any gatekeeping here?
Consider FFXIV: in ‘catch-up’ patches basically everyone can get (while not quite BiS due to allocation, still similar ilvl) highest-tier gear…they just get it later than those who push savage.
I see no reason to be upset if a game does that…in fact, that’s the primary competitor to WoW, and depending on expansion overtakes it.
That’s not to say we’re in a bad spot now per se (although the valorstone cap and slow aquisition is obnoxious, particularly for multiple characters), but if anything that’d just make everyone’s runs smoother as more people were better geared.
big “i could be r1 in all endgame content but i have too much integrity and refuse to use addons” energy from this post tbh
Would you be willing to pay a monthly subscription, every month, for all the years youve had them, simply to keep replaying them?
Do people pay for Nintendo+ or whatever it is on their Switch to basically do just that?
Meanwhile many are the complete opposite. Smashing through with the boys is boring once you’ve done it a few times and we can all hang out playing other games or in discord anyway and often do, progressing 100-200 pulls on a hard boss and feeling everyone get the hang of it and push into the next phase then eventually get the kill is an extremely satisfying process. Not to mention I enjoy the class gameplay of retail infinitely more than classic and can actually feel myself improving on each fight as I get more comfortable, there’s actually something to sink my teeth into.
100 percent
And money. Don’t forget money.
I’m still subbed to wow for classic, aren’t I? None of those other games had subs to begin with and yet people will buy them as they are released again and again, or sub to Nintendo online services to play in a virtual console. The only console game from that time that I played that asked for a sub was PSO which I would gladly pay to play if the private servers weren’t just better than the original official servers in nearly every way- and I still do play that game online on both Dreamcast and GameCube. It’s an absolute banger, highly recommend trying it.
Yes, but you also get the benefit of everything else that comes with a WoW sub.
Are you going to pay $5 a month, every month, for Duck Hunt because you may play it again in 4 years?
Roll an alt. Or beat the game and move on, there’s nothing wrong with that either. Come back when you miss it. Classic wow is more like a comfort food to me, that same meal you can enjoy over and over again. The one that reminds you of old times or that you want to sit down to enjoy after a long days work. Sure, you can get tired of it if you eat it every day but it’s always good when you come back. Retail can be good, and it can also be very, very bad. And you never know what you’re going to get. It could be a delicious serving of Legion. It could be a cold plate of Shadowlands. You could discover that they removed your favorite ingredient.
Everyone who decides to pursue best in slot have access to it. Their skill and connections may get in the way though. It shouldn’t be made easier to acquire for people, like myself, who do not have the skill or desire to pursue it.
Other benefits of what exactly? I’m not playing retail, I didn’t buy the latest xpac. I don’t even have retail installed.
You wouldn’t have to pay $5 a month every month forever because you might pay duck hunt… you could sub to Nintendo online for one month when you wanted to play duck hunt and then unsub when you are done.
Sure but thats not the discussion at hand. The claim is staying subbed to replay games you’ve already beaten
Having played with people on both ends of the skill spectrum, there is definitely a huge difference between the skilled and unskilled that exceeds what can be explained away with add-ons
Ok then in that case I’m still subbed to classic wow for just classic wow. Which we have already gone over. The “more benefits of a wow sub” only applies if you use those other parts of the wow sub. I’m paying a sub for a version of wow that I have beaten so question answered
You’re one of the few people that killed Kel’thuzad?
Yeah my guild smashed through Naxx so fast we don’t even need resist gear on Saph. Ez full clear