And since I must be the only spriest that’s been inside naxx my low dps is still pink and orange parsing lol
Sure that’s a fine philosophy when you are able to do the content that fits your skill. 95% of the gatekeeping of content comes in the form of not being able to get into groups to do the content.
To use your example of 10 tiers, If your skill level can take you through an 8 you may still be stuck on 5 because nobody will invite you into anything higher than that.
Gatekeeping by the playerbase is the issue that needs to be fixed.
Make your own group.
Physically impossible to do
Anyone willing to put in the time to learn their spec, role, and the encounters is deserving of BiS. It’s not about skill, at least in PvE, it’s about learning what you need to learn. Execution relates to skill, but if you can level to max, then you do have the right skill to earn BiS, you just need the right mindset to learn what is needed to earn it.
Adding more and more mechanics into M+ and raids merely means you have more to learn and execute, so it’s all about memorization and repetition to be successful. People will trash me and say I’m completely wrong and know nothing about it, but it’s true.
Learn your spec, role, and the encounters, then run the encounters until you can execute your job as close to perfect as possible. It’s not that difficult.
WOTLK was best which truly offered BIS to all players.
Today if your ilvl is 20-80 levels away then you do not get the best ilvl armor.
This ideology totally sucks and who ever thought of it is a sadistic loser.
Not sure how you’d manage to get the same ilvl as people who did the raid on heroic in Wotlk. Badges only could do so much for subpar gear, sure you had maybe 1-2 crafted pieces. Catalyst is way stronger than buying tier with badges back in the day as that would require a lot of dungeons daily done if you didn’t do raids.
Everyone has access to the best gear it’s just up to them to figure out if the effort of getting it is worth it.
Here is my take. There are different difficulty levels. And there is BIS for those content levels.
You can have BIS for the Normal level of content. Then if you go into heroic, there is Heroic BIS. And so on. People get hung up on what the highest level of difficulty has and that they need that.
My opinion is that there is actually a very good difficulty range for players in the game. But the issue, is that players, dont like the concept that they may not have the time or skill ability to play at the highest levels of difficulty, and thus cannot attain that level of gear.
Myself? I cap out at the Heroic level of gear. I dont have the time, to play enough WoW to get good enough to really push higher. I accept that and just enjoy playing the game and my skill level and free time allownaces.
Yes and no. No, because for me personally, it is a game I play for fun and am not very serious about.
Yes on the broader scope of things with the game. The difficulty curve pairs with the gearing curve. I will use raids as the example. If your raid is fully kitted out in upgraded heroic gear, and go into Normal difficulty, it will not be a challenge, and you will just steamroll everything. Now if you are fully kitted out in heroic gear and are raiding heroic, it will get easier, sure, but it will cap out at a level of challenge. Allowing players to gear to the highest level, without doing that level of difficulty, trivializes the content that they are on.
You get to this point where there is a vast delta of players who are steamrolling all the easy content, and making it trivial for any new players or players starting that difficulty, and the players who are clearing the max level of content, having to clear lower difficulty content as the easiest path to progress their character’s power, to push the higher level content.
The gearing system and difficulty system are both built in tiers. You want to complete one tier to move to the next tier. It is pretty linear, and has its break points with some small overlap.
The issue is that people dont see it as comparable to a difficulty setting on a single player game. Where you set the difficulty that you can play at. And some people just cant play at the highest difficulty setting. Its pretty easily acceptable in that scenario. But , in WoW since everyone plays the same game, they dont view the highest difficulty content as a difficulty setting. They see it as something they should have access to and be able to do, but someone isnt letting them by making it too hard.
LFR/Heroic Dungeons= Story Mode: Little difficulty. Play to experience the story and game with a low challenge.
Then as the difficulty levels increase, just as the setting in a single player is changed, the game gets harder. But, not everyone sees it this way, or wants to accept that they just are not able to play at the higher difficulty settings.
all gear is available in time…a few years makes a big difference.