That is in essence your choice. And in the pretend scenario the new end game would become get said gear, then see how far you can get. Very similar to how post 10+ is now.
Difference with hero track and myth track is 13 ilvl right now so we aren’t that far.
This tier you could get 5x crafted 619 pieces if you did renown and campain so it’s also not that bad.
Agreed, but that’s what many of the people are complaining about. They want to nerf the easy to get gear so there is a bigger difference.
I think it’s more that current situation require balancing between m+, raids and delves. You need to make sure that each content have something while still having some sort of progression that makes sense in term of difficulty like before, but that’s much harder with multiple endgame contents.
For me raids are currently a bit behind and need more droprates in term of loot and crests.
I wonder if gear makes the game worse more than it makes the game better.
Fun: Getting upgrades when downing a boss.
Not fun: Seeking one specific item for m+ and rerunning the instance.
Also not fun: Being nth in line in a guild environment because other people can use it better.
I suppose a third: Waiting for RNG legendary to drop.
(But at the same time, if everyone has the legendary, why have it in game?)
But why on earth WOULD you do that then?? If difficult content is the only type you enjoy, even if delves offered better rewards WHY would you be doing them instead of the stuff you do enjoy? I could see it being an issue if that reward was ONLY available via delves, but if it’s available via both it shouldn’t change your situation at all.
Because if rewards are easier to get somewhere and that you like doing other content then your content is most likely balanced on you getting that reward and if it’s not then it becomes much easier which removes the point of it being hard content. Which at the end, ends up removing the incentives to do harder content. Which is why if we go that way we might as well simply remove gear to keep content challenging and let people go directly where they want.
It’s a weird thing that people seek to beat the hardest content on the easiest difficulty.
It’s only with stuff like delves do people intentionally take gear off just to prove that they can.
And very rare instances of group content.
If the world first guilds had like 10 less ilvl, would it be utterly mathematically impossible? (Like, usually, there’s some wiggle room, not much.)
I would actually love that system. Get gear by doing easy enough stuff, then do hard thing you choose and like.
The problem is that doing easy stuff is not doing stuff I like.
You’ve just replaced for me good content with a bad grind.
Why have gear in the game then? It’s just a list of annoying tasks for access to content.
BIS gear? Just farm content.
So you can get overpowered. I want to be overpowered. That where my happy lies.
You can be overpowered without gear. Gear is not a prerequisite to owning stuff.
Just do legacy content and have like 5x modifier.
We can simply scale gear higher if you want to be overpowered in the world and we can then still keep the harder content dropping better gear. Imo, hero track is plenty to destroy any world content but if that’s your thing sure we can double tracks upgrades in ilvl and simply make mythic scale even higher.
the discourse around here is absolutely unhinged. everything is “bending the knee” or “gatekeeping” or some such nonsense. good grief.
Everyone has access to bis. Its just RNG that makes the access more tedious.
I don’t see how this is any different from saying “Lesser players having a route to that gear would effect my enjoyment of the game” because you could just…not do delves for the gear and continue doing M+ for it, right?
I mean the gear being there would give you an easier option but it’s still just that, an option.
I could…but why would I when I could get it in faceroll content
this question gets to the heart of why toxicity even exists in this game.
everything in wow is “accessible” to everyone in wow. nothing is gated behind some sort of paywall.
you can get any gear you want if you pursue the content that gives you that gear.
but the gear I have has effectively nothing to do with your experience in the game.
the only way I think that might not be true is if you are in a loot council or DKP sort of guild. i am not sure that can even exist in retail anymore.