Serious question: What % of players should have access to BIS gear?

Why would mythic raiders be crying? Gear is a prerequesite in order to play the game at that level, removing it would be nothing but a benefit.

The ones crying would be the ones who needed gear to make up for their performance and trivialise content. So mostly heroic raiders and below.

As I said, bliz could remove gear from the game tomorrow and I’d be absolutely fine.

ok this is how its always been. welcome to wow. they continually nerf content throughout the season to try and entice as many players as they can to keep grinding.

Nuh, bad take.
Trust, the most crying would be from people who need to stand out.
The 639 is the current “I am better than peasants” thing.

I would not mind gear removal as well,
I just not sure what it makes WOW after this, HOTS with more spells?

Genuine question then.

Since you said the day you can’t hit max ilvl is the day you quit. Would you keep playing if there was no gear? Would you then care about rewards like CE, mounts, titles, etc? Or would you just stop doing any remotely challenging content altogether?

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Hard to project liek this,
it would be completely different game.

I do play HOTS tho and its fun.

the thing about it is the motivated people would still play at the highest level while the casual player would be left in the dust. i know my casual guild would suffer greatly with a change like that since they get carried to aotc by about 8 or 9 mythic players.

To me it wouldn’t. I’d still be hitting the same buttons, casting the same spells, fighting the same bosses. Game would feel very similar at least in terms of actual gameplay.

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Its at the moment gear progression game.
If gear is removed its different game.

the point is there though. gear is an ends to a means for higher content players. if you took away that gear the skil would still be there. the motivation to push would still be there. the only people who would truly suffer are more casual players

Idk maybe because I don’t see gear as the reason to play the game I don’t think that.

Gear is just a means to an end to do the content. Take away gear and you just get to do the content, which for me is the reason to play the game.

Playing WoW as a “Gear progresion game” honestly sounds like a guaranteed way to become bitter, resentful, and miserable, frankly.


It can be fun, but when it’s being turned mostly in a grind with the weekly vault and current crafting it’s not that much. I feel in many ways some people prefer for it to be that kind of grind even if it makes gear mostly irrelevant and a terrible progression which is why at that point if it’s gonna go more that way then it might as well be gone while some people like me simply want it to comes from harder content which makes it feel rewarding and like you earned it.

In practice the way to make gear better without much thinking and deliberating is simply to add more raid drops.

Raid drops have been anemic, going from 4 pieces for 20m to 6 pieces + 2 tier sets would be a pretty good change. (0.2 loot per player to 0.3 loot per player +0.1 tier set per player). Making raids a bigger part of gearing which reduce the grind from m+ for people that want to do less grindy type content.

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That’s what I was trying to say last night.

This is currently the case.


100% of players have access to high end content. I can form a mythic raid group right now, though it would take a long time to form and hours to actually kill anything.

But it CAN happen. Though not everyone will be successful at the same rate in the same timeframe.

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Well… ilvl 639 is the max.

You can get to ilvl 636 today just by farming and upgrading a ton of crests and crafting gear. And they just cut the crest grind in half.

The answer “Anyone should be able to get pretty close if they put in the time, some just get there faster than others” seems to be the status quo - and seems fine to me.

With the crest acquisition changes I’m not sure I see any big problems with the system. Halfway through the season it’d be nice to have Myth track in the Vault for T11 Delves or something, maybe, but whatever, kinda sick of Delves anyway. With Crests 'n Craft I can do whatever content I want.

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WOW was that way before M+ and Mythic raids. It was and is so much better that way.

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I completely agree with this attitude.


Game could be challenging before mythic raids, heroics weren’t that easy or cleared by that many people. And before m+ there was simply not much other way to get the best gear, I’m pretty sure way more people are full myth track than full heroic gear compared to before.

This needs to be talked about. You’re framing this question the wrong way. It’s not that my enjoyment of the game would be lessened because people of lower skill have access to bis gear, rather my enjoyment of the game would be lessened if I could get bis gear from easy content. For example, I would find the game less enjoyable if I could just grind delves for myth gear…not because other people could also get bis gear in delves. See the distinction?

That is probably true, but the difference between Full Heroic and full reg was only 15 ilvl. And usually at least a couple pieces could be achieved with rep grinds, so you could get fairly close with out actually beating much heroic raids, or excuse me 25 man as it was called way back when.

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