Serious question: What % of players should have access to BIS gear?

Not sure where the LFD came into a discussion about game difficulty and rewards, but I’ll bite anyway.

Like it or not the Dungeon Finder is both a positive for the game, and very much liked by the community.

You’re swinging at ghosts friend. This is not something that is happening at a rate worth caring about. If you’re getting shouted at for bad play, my personal recommendation is to play better; people will not yell at you for good play.

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This is a problem that solves itself. BIS gear is available to the people doing the content that gives it. And if you aren’t doing that content then you don’t need it.

So long as the gear available to a certain track is balanced properly for the content in that track, who has access to what is irrelevant.


The problem for most people is just perception. Some feel gated out of content because they don’t have the items that they perceive as necessary to be successful in that content.

What they don’t realize is that those items are rewards for being successful in that content. Not requirements to do so. Do they make it easier from that point forward? They often do, but they are not required to get to the point that they are available to you.

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But why does the reward have to be gear? Because that’s the crux of the matter. Why would there need to such a huge gap between player power? Why not instead of gear, you get your bragging rights via titles or mogs?
Personally, I think it’s stupid to have such a gap between players and what’s even more stupid is that players who are not into raiding and M+ have no choice.
It comes down to the… I don’t even know how to call it, entitlement, toxicity, whatever, but the ones who have access to the best gear tend to make a lot of noise when the developers consider giving other aspects of the game options to get some of that shiny stuff.
We have seen this way too many times. Now it’s delves, the entitled minority foaming at the mouth that Joe Solo got himself some heroic gear from his delves, how dare this plebian have such good gear when all he does is delving which these elitist types deem as too easy and that is simply not true. A delver does exactly what a M+ player does. Mechanics or he gets liquidated. The only difference is that he has to rely on fewer people to pick up his slack, or none at all if he goes solo, like most delvers do.
And yeah, delving still needs tuning, it’s a new feature. But not as far as rewards are concerned. Because that’s the issue here, the problem the elitists have with solo scrubs getting their shinies by doing something they enjoy. I wish I were kidding but that’s the issue here. How dare these casuals get gear and have fun at the same time.
These people are so messed up in the head that they legit believe that getting gear should be painful, not fun. Dunno where this masochistic tendency comes from but they did it to PVP-ers. Why does PVP gear has to have 2 different stats, in pvp and outside of it. Cause these elitist babies cried that PVP gear was too good for PVP-ers. Sod off.

So yeah, I’m tired of hearing the elitist gatekeeping bs reasoning.


Kind of what RPGs revolve around…enhancing your character.

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just a side thought about the gear and yada yada and the content it is attained from nonsense.

i am a mythic raider. i attain mythic raid gears. then how come i can run into zekvir ?? and 1 shot the poor soul, meanwhile my wife and players like her, who are open world and delvers got to struggle in champion gear on zekvir ?? for pull after pull after pull.

mythic raid gear is not designed for or tuned to delves.

just pointing that out. dont care 1st or last. but i mean reasoning you know?

I doubt that’s true for the people I mentioned. It’s more about superiority or otherwise they wouldn’t throw a fit when Joe Solo gets himself some heroic gear.


If someone wants to stand apart, skill should do that, not gear.

I actually am referring to M+. It’s still a que as people list the dungeons and then others que up to be accepted. I don’t ever really get yelled at, if I did I would laugh at them. It’s a video game, I play well enough. World or warcraft is meant to be a WORLD, hence the name. I’ve been playing classic a lot lately, and it’s better in about 100 different ways. I have played with more random people in the last month or classic than in the last 10 years of retail. Queing for dungeons over and over for late game is the actual problem with WOW not the goal. Raiding once or twice a week and then running around the world is and always will be a better game loop then queing for M+ with the same group of 4 others ignoring everything else that could have been fun. Balancing for small groups leads to homogony and button bloat, and the game just keep getting sequentially worse.

We do have quite the nerve.


its because they are probably the type of person that wants mythic gear to drop in delves or some crap.

its almost like there are titles, mounts and achievements that go along with that content…


Because you have enough gear to over power the eggs. That simple. Burst the eggs, kick the spittle = win.

Everyone. Not a joke not sarcasm.

Literally everyone should have ACCESS to everything the game offers and they do.

Whether they have the skill patience and determination to get it done is a different thing.


Mostly patience. Endless reserves of patience.

Unpopular opinion here but I personally think all gear should be fully upgradeable to the max possible ilevel via the same currency (like Valor in BfA??) which is gained via every activity in differing amounts. The difference would be how fast each person reaches that max. The gear would drop at a level commensurate with the difficulty, and the amount of currency gained would also scale. Mythic raiders and high M+ers would of course max out in a few weeks, just like now. And it would trickle down accordingly, with filthy casuals like me being able to max 1 or 2 items at most. And before any jumps on the “forced to endlessly grind +2s” bandwagon that’s a personal problem, and I don’t think Daddy Blizz should design around that.
Like I said, Unpopular. :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:


It’s always been gear.

If you have no interest in doing the harder content, then what purpose is that gear fulfilling?

You can do delves and get a full set of hero track gear. Delves can be completely soloed.

I think I probably fall into the category of “elitist” you’re describing. I’ll be frank, I couldn’t care less about the gear you have on. My argument isn’t structured around wanting to be superior, but rather I want the game to incentivize people to try content they might otherwise not have, and for a quite a lot of people, gear is the motivating factor.

Again, this is an argument that no one is making but you.

Gearing is painful if you don’t like what rewards it. But if that’s the case, don’t do it. Forcing yourself to do something that you hate for something that, realistically, won’t really matter all that much is…concerning.

but that is irrelevant to the whole “content is balanced around the gear attained from it” excuse people are using.

zekvir dont give rewards, yet you need good gear to overcome it. the better the gear the easier he is. aka, i 1 shotted him in my mythic gears.

if i kill mythic queen ansurek tomorrow, then why do i need the gear she drops? i just killed her. i dont need gear. i killed her with what i was wearing. there is nothing beyond her.

again, i dont care 1st or last, i am decked. i am just pointing out the hilarious flaws in the arguments.

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Zekvir “??” can be done on every spec at 610 at most (Though holy and disc priest will have a miserable time), some can do it with much less, well into the low 500s.

You do not need good gear to beat zekvir, you barely even need gear.

So then they want to get to your power level. through slow easy means instead of hard fast means is usually the preferred route.