Serious question: What % of players should have access to BIS gear?

It’s the same thing overall, as the seasonal gap is bigger because mythic goes higher which has happened more time than not and sometime be even bigger.

I truly would not care if a player that only did openworld content had the same ilvl than me who was doing M+. Honestly, I’m even waiting for the day Blizzard stops designing the endgame progression around a constant gear/power grind in favor of more RPG fluff and some kind of new endgame system like GW2 has, or even ESO. Getting gear doesn’t feel like a reward, it’s simply a chore I have to do in order to participate in and enjoy the content I want to. And in recent years, I usually just end up canceling my sub before I find the will to stick it out and do those chores… over and over again.

It would be great if people who made these posts actually raided or did m+.

I’d be fine if they removed gear from the game tomorrow, but I suspect I’d be in the minority.

Thinking in a game without gear, people will largely do stuff once, and quit. (or maybe we need mount drops instead.)

Reclearing raid might allow for parses, but that is the minority I think?

I was in love with and did M+ the entire time I played BFA along with the short time I stuck it out with Shadowlands. I also PvP (where gear does matter), which was my main source of gear in the few times I would consider myself to have been actively playing during Dragonflight. I’ve barely played this expansion though, just haven’t had the desire to commit fully but I’m giving it a shot for the third time and plan to focus on M+ instead of PvP this time if I do… and even still, I wouldn’t be doing it to feel powerful with my gear, but simply because I enjoy PvE mechanics and combat in WoW.

There’d always have to be some carrot to chase, and it doesnt matter what it is, these threads will continue to pop up because its not truly about it being accessible. Its about me not being able to acquire it so the game must be brought to my level

no, because gear is meaningless, it gets replaced within a few months. if someone that does world content or delves gets full mythic gear and slowly upgrades over time like me and my guildies do, it bares no effect on us. we still have our mythic raid and ksh achievements, our portals, our mounts and titles.

it would be good for the game because it would bring more players back. the world would be full again. gearing is fun and not everyone can commit to a job like raiding like we do.

not to mention they wouldnt have access to the bis trinkets like the rest of us.

but others feels differently about this matter and i think that is just a real life psychological problem on their end.

Like everyone that makes posts like these, doesn’t do so on a character that actually does content.

Removing gear is also different from granting people access to all gear.

If everyone had equal gear, gear becomes an impediment in enjoying the game. Why would I want that? Who enjoys a list of unwanted tasks before the fun can truly begin?

One very real factor is that gearing affects tuning.

Content is tuned around what blizzard expect you to have at your disposal, not only does that mean the more sources of gear there are the higher that tuning is and the more content you’re expected to do to overcome it, but the less leeway above that line there is for players to gradually overcome a challenge.

That’s why I’d prefer no gear to everyone has gear. If the gear I get ultimately doesn’t matter and we’re all just working towards a baseline the game expects us to reach why should I have to spend time getting it.

In place a weekly buff, would it be better received if people’s gear increases by 1 ilvl per week upto a cap of 639?

(Or something along those lines, or maybe that happens in addition to the weekly buff?)

it would literially change nothing.

my wife and players like her attaining mythic ilvl gears via tougher world content (if blizzard made some) and delves would bare absolutely 0 - ZERO effect on me, my guild, ksh players, CE players. None, Zip, Nada.

max ilvl gear, IMO should cap out at heroic raid / mythic +8 / delve +11

pushing mythic raids / m+9 and up and delves +12 (if they did that) and up should be about competition.

i usually hear the argument about you need gear to progress in harder content. but once you kill mythic queen ansurek, then why do we need the gear that she drops? she is it. thats it. done. so that argument is nothing more than an excuse.

gear dont drop any higher than it does on a +10 keystone, yet we run 11’s 12’s 15’s and so on.

time played / investment should be the metric on attaining max ilvl gear. skill within the content should be achievements, titles, mounts, and so on.

but this is just imo. i dont care 1st or last. i get near max ilvl each and every season. i play what i enjoy. just like pointing out what i think would work and make this game boom with subs.

This is the character I’ve had the longest (I tend to delete them a lot so she’s special to me, but I’ve long been tired of druid as a class) and I’ve always used it on the forums, seems pointless to swap it up and get my notifications/posts history all jumbled.

I think gearing is just a natural part of MMOs. Even in the sense of just earning a new appearance to use in transmog… I know for a fact I’ve done certain content just to get me a new top or cloak to design outfits around, haha. But that’s why I’m in favor of a gear ilvl cap, like many other MMOs already have, and a new endgame progression system.

Gear does cap… at 639.

We’ve had artifact power before, and I don’t think many people want that back.

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…should have been clear that I meant a cap that is accessible to all players, and in the sense that we don’t have to swap out gear we farmed for months on end for a new piece from some random side quest a day into a new expansion.

And obviously borrowed power is a whole nother topic. But most people enjoyed artifact weapons… what made borrowed power a big issue was when they took artifact weapons, removed them/made them obsolete after players put a ton of time into them, then replaced them with a worse system (HoA) that they once again had to put a bunch of time into. THEN did it a second time with soul binds in Shadowlands.

The reason why stuff resets is to grant a mostly even playing field. People don’t want to do old content to be up to par.

And in days of old, if someone in your raid team dropped out, you had to do old raids (or carry them in the new one) before they can realistically pull their weight.

Well that depends on the timeframe. Think of it like this.

We have three “Pillars” of PvE content each with their own gear progression, gates or otherwise. Is doing all 3 going to gear you up faster than 2? Or only 1? If so then tuning has to account for that, and in turn players end up needing to invest more in those pillars in order to meet that newly raised bar.

If it’s something extremely long term then that’s not really a factor, but I doubt players would be as happy with “slow and steady path to max ilvl” as they seem to suggest on GD.

Do you play any other MMOs? There are many games that have gear/loot systems that work in a game with a gear cap to prevent this. Along with other endgame progression and reward systems to replace constant gearing.

Haven’t, but don’t see how it can work in a different manner. You’re either replacing gear, or forcing people into old content.

Gear cap just renders old gear obsolete (or irrelevant.)

You could tune mythic with old mythic in mind in terms of ilvl I suppose?

Then guilds go straight to mythic instead of doing stuff in heroic.

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I just don’t see the point of adding gear when it’s expected that after a certain period of time everyone just has it. I’d rather move the dev resources elsewhere. No more gear or power progression, no more systems design, no more gear variables messing with balance.

Just gimme a max power character and a UI to mess with my stat template.