Serious question: What % of players should have access to BIS gear?

BiS is a trap game design philosophy in MMOs. You’ll lose them the next patch anyway.

I think it should just be DPS who are gated by gear.

I don’t understand why a single person in this game would want their tank or heals to be undergeared for any reason whatsoever.
The only people who worry about the gear are the people themselves being nit picky about the “feeling of progression”.

For heals, IO/AOTC/CE is the progression. I’m vastly over geared for a +5 Grim Batol, but I still get declined from them because I’ve only timed a +4. They don’t give jack squat about my ilvl.

Gear functions the same for every single role: ability to make more mistakes.


Your ilvl doesnt reflect your skill like it used to in the past.

IO / key ranges do

I decline 612+ ilvl folks from 2s

I’ve played for over 15 years, I’ve raided for years as well, I’ve played during covid almost 18 hours a day, I have never reached perfect BIS ever in my history of playing this game, always some type of RNG blocking my way or insane week long grinds (like corruption and the currency was awful to gather but those who did could have +12% Stats from all source on literally every slot and did 12x my dps)

I think it’s not accessible enough at all, I mean I have to buy carries nowadays (with gold) in order to get any kind of chance at 2.5k rating if I want the mount because I Just don’t have enough time to play and actually grind my gear well enough to do the keys myself

I play a few hours a day today, I hate M+ and I can’t raid because I don’t want to be stuck with this chore in the current state of my life, so I stick to Delves, Weeklies and rated PvP, and with all 3 I will forever not be able to access something higher than 620 and that’s only if I get a new slot on every Vault until the end of the 11.0, which is so unlikely that today I’m at 609 on my main, having got a 616 vault every week since launch and having 3 619 crafted

Strictly speaking, 0% of players have had access to full bis ever since mists. Thanks rng attribute procs.

Its accessible to everyone. Everyone has the same access. We all log in to the same game that has the same gear that drops from the same mobs all with the same difficulties.

People usually just lack the skill to acquire it. Not the same thing as not having access to it

Accessibility: the quality of being easy to approach, reach, enter, speak with, use, or understand.
If it is not easy, it’s not accessible. Some people have different threshholds of what they find easy so something accessible to someone might not be to someone else.

That’s… dumb. I mean access is as in the average player can get somewhat close, nobody not playing in a hardcore guild probably does, it’s not skill-based that much, even tho it can be, but tbf for gear it shouldn’t. Gear should be easy to get at least stat-wise full bis early and then grind harder and harder content to upgrade it.

It is. There are no prerequisites for starting a Mythic Raid. Aside from having 1 person in your party to convert to Raid to enter the instance.

Thats your accessibility

It’s not, a Mythic raid requires 20 people dedicated to actually doing this raid every week and pushing hard into more and more bosses until they can reach the end for Cutting Edge if possible.

Also, even doing Mythic Raid every week will never give you all your BIS by the end of the tier unless you get funneled all the loot.

Are you trying to bait people into calling you stupid so you can report them? You could have just asked nicely no need for the song and dance.

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What it should be for the average player :

Plays a few hours a day maybe a week, get pieces of armor or weapons, easily get the stats they want, increase the ilvl further and further as the player progresses into harder and harder content.

What it is right now :

Played a few hours a day maybe a week, get random pieces of armor or weapons with random stats and equip just for the ilvl increase despite being the worsts 2 stats, repeat the process by getting a piece on the same slot 12 times before receiving the second ring you’ve been missing all this time.

No its logical. You just lack the skill to make it a reality, so you dislike it.

Does not. To access a Mythic Raid, you only need 2 people. To get the rewards requires roughly the skillset of 20 dedicated players

Again, theres the difference between accessibility and acquisition.

This is achievable as it is. If i want more mastery stat, i know which pieces to replace and where to go to get replacement pieces

Between needing 4 tier pieces, catalyst and crafting I really haven’t found this a problem.

Nor are stats just outright bad, sure there are some minor exceptions (Haste for brewmaster) but you will almost always want some ratio of all 4.

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So another troll, got it

Yep and there again you’ll have to run countless runs to get that item on the 1 slot you need perfect. The average player doesn’t have that time, sorry if you do.

And as I said, when I’m saying Accessibility I meant as Carstine said the quality of being easy to approach, reach, enter, speak with, use or understand.

Of course you have access to it because you have access to everything in this game, but can the average player actually access BIS without spending countless hours that population doesn’t have ? No.

Also this was more appearant in previous expansions, I saw that the last few shown less stats priority but depending on the class it can be really specific still and those suffer.

No and I agree but the ilvl gap is quite insane, people actually pushing harder content which tbf isn’t that much of a difference when they do stuff like 12s repeatedly (I run 6-7s usually on my 609 mage) are still almost 30 full ilvl over me, which is absolutely insane. I don’t raid, I don’t do super high M+ and I don’t have time to farm for insanes amounts of Crests, so despite playing mostly alone I will never get remotely close to 630, let alone 636-639, and let alone maybe even 620.

In previous expansions those people would’ve been somewhere like 626s at most, the game was significantly increased with the ilvl increase of +39 instead of +26.

Youre arguing from a point of acquisition again. Not accessibility

The fact everyone can do this means its accessible to all. But not everyone has the skill to acquire it.

Skill problem. Not an accessibility problem.

Again, acquisition.

Youre making arguments for “should everyone be able to easily acquire BiS”

Which the answer is no.

Effort in, rewards out has been a staple of the genre since its conception

You’ll need to give example as I really see the opposite. Early expansion can skew a little more due to low total stat values, but in general everyone’s after some mix of all 4. And with crafted jewellery available at 619 and 636 ilvl respectively it’s pretty easy to nudge your total stat budget towards whatever you want since jewelry is so much of those stats.

The only expansion that shrank the mythic gap was DF as far as I know, with some of the previous raids even going higher with last bosses dropping higher item ilvl than the rest with no way to match them outside of killing them. Also, 13 ilvl gap between each difficulty has been mostly standard while the upgrade for sure personally feel like a mess.

13 ilvls gap has been standard since at least legion. I think they’re referring to the “season gap” jumping from 26 to 39 in Amirdrassil. However this doesn’t actually change anything because you’re still the same amount apart based on content within a given tier, 13 per difficulty + endboss.

If anything crests have reduced the gap, allowing normal to reach as high as 619, which is well into heroic.