Serious discussion of arena

That’s 60 posts of well articulated thoughts so far. I’m a much better player already

The british are lurking on NA forums. This is serious now we are in code red. EU is invading US forums


A) Totally false, but that sentiment does explain alot about you. Have you never gone to the bar to pick a fight and then get drunk? Not like a person has to be a professional fighter to find themselves in the middle of a brawl with strangers. Ever watch the crowd at like any football (soccer) match anywhere around the globe? They love it.

B) Not like you’ll have to worry about catching a “random fist tho” seeing as you never get out of your gaming chair to venture out into the world.

If you must ask, in a rude disrespectful way for no reason, yes I have been in bar fights. I’m a PvPer, buddy. Did you expect any less?

Fake news ppl that log tens of thousands of shuffle games a season dont have time to leave the house.

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You have a lot of hate in you. Makes sense why tbh.

TBBrutallyH, most of the bar fights have either started soon as we arrived cause OPs are already there or end of the night when everyone’s leaving and had 1 too many getting courageous AF

So true bestie aka Getajob69 aka @Getaaaajob420

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Fortunately I’m a proud American and have eaten more than enough meat to clog any arteries and fill a hole of any size in any heart.

That makes sense. That’s why Vision died and gave Thanos the power to remove half the universe. If he had a robot beard he’d have defeated the space beard any day of the week.

I agree with all of this, but I think that this absolutely can be a good and valuable resource for players of all skills to network and find ways to improve instead of just looking for excuses or blaming others.


Years ago that was called the Realm Forums (for some Realms). I am sure people can find some assistance here if they come here to post a specific question but good look coming here to use the search feature.

There’s a search feature?! LMAOOO I never knew that XD

I think that anyone who has come here asking for help, though, has gotten valuable information and legitimate help!


I may have been born at night but it wasn’t last night. :rofl:


None of this is about arena…


Well he isn’t wrong. The issue is most people do not come here looking for help. They come here looking for validation on their excuses.


why do you always go 0-6 or 1-6 in my lobbies and never bop me last season?

Because I’m really bad at Ret and get stuck at low ratings on it which is probably why I ran into you. Sorry!


2500+ is low ratings? dang i didnt know ggs man np ty :+1: :clap:

Yeah 2500 in shuffle at end of season is pretty bad : / If you’re having fun it’s all that matters though!

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Look, don’t get me wrong, there are absolutely trolls, but every time someone LEGITIMATELY asks for help, I think they get it.

I’ve helped with things from gear/talents, to comp suggestions, to matchup discussions, and even done full-on vod reviews.

Even ive asked questions on specific spec mechanics here and gotten a perfect explanation.

I think the community also does a really good job protecting and supporting people who are genuinely seeking advice.

Also, the only time I’ve ever been flamed was by swole XD

Yes, 100% this.


Like I said I am honestly sorry. Blizzards matchmaking system just thought you belonged in a lobby with players that don’t press their buttons :weary: