Serious discussion of arena

No trolling please. This is a serious discussion of arena.


Care to elaborate?


Finally, a safe haven for intelligent discussion centered around World of Warcraft Arena.


I’m interested to see how everyone performs without set bonuses and without Armor boost once at fresh 80. I haven’t played the game where the cap was still a thing in a while(always come back during catch up cap it seems like)

I’m hoping the leveling doesn’t take too long. I’d like to have 2 or 3 character max level and not feel like there’s too many chores in order to keep up.

Not having a vault I guess kind of stinks because we’re losing a lot of free gear(I know the cap increase but that doesn’t make up for it considering you’d get a piece almost every week if lucky) At least it’s 1 less chore to have to worry about getting vault capped on every toon now

What about intelligent discussion for the sake of having a meaningful conversation?

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Dear diary.


How about engaging in discussion? You know, what they asked us to do? These 1 line attacks vs. People’s profile pics are honestly so weak.

We should be able to talk about WoW on the WoW forums without this kind of malarkey

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Care to elaborate?


I respect you but I would respect you more if you go ahead and hit 3K SS rating.


:popcorn: :laughing:

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Please don’t disparage other peoples posts just because they don’t fit your pre-conceived notion of what a discussion should look like. He/she/they/zhey pays their sub the same as you and has every right to discuss WoW in a way that best suits his/her/zis/xheir needs.


Do you plan on engaging in meaningful discussion and debate? Think of all the new players who come to this forum for guidance and all they see are these 1 line attacks which amount to an inside joke. Be better

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OH yeah soooo many “new players” come to these forums lmao


Can we talk about WoW arena social paradigms and their impact on fragile intellectually stunted DH players?

Or perhaps we can discuss the correlation between ED and people that say “bussin” or drink Prime?


A 1 line attack is not a discussion nor a thoughtful retort, just gaslighting

I don’t know why you are obviously obfuscating the facts that he is not engaging with the original post to talk about WoW arena, without all of the jibber jabber


This tells me you don’t know what “gaslighting” means

Hi Id like to alert you that I’m a busboy at a very exclusive casual dining chain restaurant and I do not suffer from ED plz don’t pigeonhole me into a dishwasher who’s constantly on the flop ty granpoppop


You taking an attitude of superiority while you in fact play in my same bracket is gaslighting

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You see when you use words like this, it makes me think that you are sitting at your Dad’s desk reading his Word of the Day calendar.


Idk, im pretty sure “bussin” and “not having ED” are positively correlated in the queer communities. I’m willing to bet that those things are reversed for priest players named EFX

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