Serious discussion of arena

Not sure why you’re harassing this guy when you lost a game at 2100 because you didnt intervene for your dragon or cc the healer a single time.


i mean for one i dont believe in intervene its kind of a crutch. also if said healer isnt pressing there buttons thats not my fault . i can only do so much . again ggs np lets just move on. we need to make this place less toxic ty

Quote for the ages


Leave Dozer alone I actually like the guy. I still laugh when I think about him getting capped on by comp stomp bots on stream and jellybeans thought he was also a bot because of it.


I agree that there are some helpful people here and I have learned some things as well as I try to help others when I can but where do you think more people find assistance, here or a discord channel (almost said Guild Forum Website)? Yes there are some bad eggs in discords but the good discords are moderated to a point and if they see enough jackassery they will boot them. You can’t take out the trash here.


That’s weird.


Again though, people do not often come here to actually get help. As Nas said most people who genuinely want help do get it, we even harass the people who try to troll those people.

On the other hand though we do let people who just want to validate their excuses have it as well, since this is what’s usually being done it’s definitely more visible.


Not over the last 10 years or so I agree.


i laughed at that clip too cause i was literally busted doing what i always do in bgs which is /afk :flushed: :innocent:

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Oh yeah the old “I was afk” excuse :dracthyr_hehe_animated: ggs wp idc etc


pretty sure someone can link the clip i literally afkd on the node and didnt move but its all good man as long as the bots had fun ig ggs man lets move on lets try to make this place less toxic this season

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? ? ? ?

Tell us more

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/shrug my job is to do big damage

As ret it is.

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idk why but when exalter was in my lobbies it just felt like he was throwing i might be wrong if not he has a very odd playstyle. he also never freedoms or bops the arms warrior like huh?

Weird again.

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Poor thing doesn’t get it


You need to write out a full sentence brother. I have no idea what you’re saying here.

I can kinda see how you did this but I wouldn’t of thought of something so simple and majestic in execution. I’m loving this thread, avid PVP player here. Laughing pretty hard whilst reading for some insight XD

I thought that was point XD