SERIOUS BUG: Delicious chocolate cake

This is a bad bug. You can force anyone’s game client to crash by mailing them a Delicious Chocolate Cake.


that is a “cake it a lie” issue right there. how did the pre release screw up so much?


Yes, I’m having the same problem with this item, it’s unbelievable how Blizzard manages to do so much damage, I can’t retrieve the item on my character, the game crashes and I need to restart. I was thinking it was Addons like Postal or TSM. The problem is exclusively with the item.


PLEASE BLIZZARD, you were better!


Also having this issue. Crashes my game when I mouse over the item.


I also have an evil crash-inducing delicious chocolate cake in my mailbox.


This is hilarious but I hope it gets fixed ASAP before griefers discover it


It’s not just this cake causing crashes, but also other consumables like glyphs. I bought some glyphs off the AH, tried to retrieve them from the mail and crash every time I try.


I may or may not be sitting here pondering sending one to a friend now. Listening to him rage on disc is always amusing.


Ahahaha friends are always free game

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Ahahaha friends are always free game

See, I was hoping to get this fixed -before- my guildies found out. Because they’re -monsters-. :wink:

I reported this in-game yesterday and waited until this morning before I made a forum post for just this reason; i thought for sure someone would have noticed and realized the grief potential, so i didn’t want to post anything publicly until bliz had a chance to fix it.

All joking aside, you could absolutely shut down huge amounts of the game by mailing cakes to people. Have an AH rival you don’t want cancelscanning and undercutting you? Mail 'em a cake! Did a DPS piss you off when you were tanking M+? Mail em a cake!

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Tired of all the farming bots? Mail em a cake! Then promptly get banned because they report you on all their bot alts :rofl:


I know it seems like I have my hair on fire about this, but the minute people discover it and start using it, it’s going to get very nasty.

Had the same issue, some cake expred from auction, and now my mailbox is doomed. Game instantly crashes upon open mailbox.


Mine only crashes when I mouse over the item. And since you have to mouse over the item in order to mail one, none of you can grief anyone so… lol.

You should be able to open your mail as long as you don’t mouse over OR hit “open all.”

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Not true, at least for me and my wife. I mailed one to her from an alt this morning. The mailing toon did not crash.

But the second she opened the mailbox the game freezes and crashes.

This isn’t the case for me. I literally just open my mailbox, mouse far from it so it doesn’t hover over anything (and all addons off), and my game crashes.

UPDATE: Currently, I am able to once again open my mail without it crashing until hovering over the Delicious Chocolate Cake item and/or some other consumables that also crash the game. This is at least better than the immediate crash, but incredibly frustrating.

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Hold my beer, I’m going to mail chocolate cakes to everyone now.


OK, after further research, and upon disabling all mail and auction and pricing mods, this is the case. You can open the mailbox, but do not mouse over the Cake or open the Cake mail.


Oh, you have no idea how long it took me to realize it was the cake. Nobody in /2 had any idea what I was talking about, so I thought it was just on my end. I was clearing caches, restarting Bnet, and restarting my computer.

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I finally tested – only seems to crash the game when they’re in the mail. The few I have in my bank that didn’t crash me when I moused over.