Another feedback post, for us all to add our thoughts about the new raid
After 2 and a half hours last night my guildmates and I had cleared 6/11 Normal, missing only Halondrus and Anduin. Here are my inital thoughts.
There is ALOT of trash. I’m glad a lot of it is skippable, with invisibility, but there is just a lot of it. I’m having flashbacks to Blackrock Foundry.
Vigilant Guardian feels very long for an opening boss, especially when compared to the other first bosses we’ve had this expansion in Shriekwing and The Tarragrue. Our kill included getting the 2nd and 3rd orbs at the same time, and was still our second longest kill time of the night (would have been the longest if not for a messy Artificer kill)
The downtime on Vigilant Guardian is also weird. You’re just kinda sitting in the bubble waiting for something to happen, whether it be adds spawning or the explosions starting.
Skolex has a weird interaction that might be a bug? We had a stack point in melee range to have the boss burrow to clear our dust stacks, and each time we stacked up, we got nuked by the blue swirls that target players. We tried waiting to stack until immediately after a set of blue swirls hit the ground, but still didn’t have enough time to get our debuff cleared. Our ending strategy involved baiting the retch in one direction and taking warlock portal well out of melee range of the boss, which worked quite well, but doesn’t feel like the right interaction.
Artificer is a great fight. The only issue I experienced was at times the portals were hard to see amidst the traps, brown swirls, and other effects going on, mixed with the floor color. I’m sure that will come with familiarity though.
Dausegne was easier once we saw the projectile that indicates where the first ring is coming from. Looking forward to this on higher difficulties when we have to stagger going through the circles.
Prototype Pantheon was probably my favorite boss from last night, and not just because I’m a frost DK. This fight has just about everything. Important interrupts, unique dodge mechanics, adds that have to die before the room fills up, and a heroism phase against 4 targets.
Lihuvim, I think I need to see on higher difficulties. It seems like the boss is doable without having any yellow puddles on the ground, but we had tons, and room to spare for the final phase. This is one of the biggest boss rooms I can remember, which makes it much less punishing (but also more punishing if you’re out of position before the add phase). Seems like a great fight.
Aesthetically, the raid is beautiful. Artificer, copying some mechanics from his encounter in Castle Nathria, was different enough to feel like a completely different boss, despite sharing a few mechanics.
The loot felt fun! We were lucky enough to kill a boss that drops tier gear, and saw 3 tier pieces drop in our 26 man group.
Lastly, and most importantly, as of yet none of the bosses feel the same. They are all distinct, yet they all work together. First day score for the raid is a solid 9/10. Only held back by the few things I mentioned above. Can’t wait to get through the rest of it and move up in difficulty.