Still can’t play through verizon wireless, tethered using PDAnet.
Ticket responses are all shoulder shrugs and friendly responses to use VPNs. No GM/support rep has the time, interest or authority to whitelist connection attempts to my account, which was registered in 2004. The only VPN I managed to get to work is VPNhub, the performance hit from using it is terrible, and they’re going to start charging me in a few days.
This is worse than anything that happened during my launch experience with actual vanilla.
in my own testing, admittedly very light efforts given that the issue(s) are either in the local app or on their end, is that most of the reported issues, on the user end, are tied to Win10.
I put classic on an older ROG that still had Win7, and while the server selection delay/app hang was still present, I was finally able to get to the character screen and log into the game.
This worked for me, thank you!!
‘This’… what? Are you going for a vegi-post?
alot of issues seem to be connected to cell phone companies and people using pdanet as a source to connect. im in the same boat i use verizon wireless and also use PDAnet to connect. but i have been using this product for along time since legion with no problems. been searching online for some awnsers and found a couple things. so im not sure if this is actually on blizz end of things or if this is somthing to do with our isp’s trying to limit or stop tethering use.
You have bin disconnected. (WOW51900328)
Hello, I have been following this thread, I have tried everything to be able to connect.
im in VA, on Comcast cable internet.
I am behind a firewall (Untangle) , and entering the bypass rule for my local PC fixed my issue.
that basically disables layer 7 scannning.
so as an experiment, you could try disabling all traffic scanners on your pc, and directly conneting to the internet ( like cable modem straight to your machine )
if this fixes the prob, it is more likely that firewalls are shaping traffic in such a way that mimics the packets in the DDOS attack, and blizzard prob had to step up thier scrutiny of the data packets coming in to stop the ddos attack.
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I have been having this issue not during the DDOS attack but after it, when Blizzard applied some kind of fix the server…
4th day. Still the same problem. still 328 disconnect error.
Hope you guys are doing something.
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This Worked for me. I have the same firewall software. I added the rules to the bypass to allow traffic for the supported WOW ports and it worked perfectly.
Cheers and great job.
This morning same issue. Day 5.
At this point, if there’s no compensation for a weeklong issue I’ll stay unsubbed. Screw paying for being locked out
I’m aware that probably less than 1% has this issue, but said 1% still paid for their sub and are getting blocked for several days while others get to enjoy the game. Making it even more frustrating.
From my end, it seems very easy to create a whitelist of known active wow users but that seems to be more complicated than expected.
i’m still getting can not connect to servers 51900328 and 319
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Same here been going around i circles trying to make a ticket
Just paid for Battle of Azeroth started playing again after 10 years hmmm was it a wrong move
just an update.
can connect to us servers using vpn. i can however connect to oceanic servers without a vpn.
isp verizon wireless using pdanet.
I was able to log in now by using the Android Tethering that is built into my device. I use PDANet+ to bypass Verizon’s throttling after using tethering too much. Their throttle hits me hard, and when gets me stuck under 0.1mbps for the rest of the month. That’s why I hadn’t tried this before, but as long as I play WoW and do nothing else on my PC i’ll be fine with my data usage.
I hope this problem gets resolved soon!
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Tried 3 free VPNs… Hotspot Shield, TunnelBear, and ProtonVPN. None of them worked.
After work, I connected my desktop to PDANet+ and it got the 51900328 error.
So, both my laptop and desktop can connect without any issues over a regular wifi network. This issue (for me, at least) seems to be limited to just PDANet+.
Also, I’m on the Sprint free plan so I don’t have regular tethering.
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Going on Day 4 of not being able to play on WoW servers or Classic via a tether or my Verizon card. Can play on other blizzard games with no problems.
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Issues since yesterdays maintenance persist:
W10 DT: Retail-Yes|Classic-No
W7 LT: Retail-NA | Classic-Yes
Both are on Comcast Cable service via Chicago
VPN does not change result
- (Chicago, Denver, California, Toronto)
Classic Recreation: 100% authentic experience - Unable to play due to game client/server issues.
GG Blizzard
theres a link in the top right corner to the post I am replying to