You mean to tell me you don’t want to endlessly farm sets of gear for each phase of content? But the fun is in the journey.
The issue is even Mythic raiders with just early boss kills right now outgear M+ only players.
My DK is 3 ilvls higher than my Hunter, we’ve done 0 311 bosses.
Gear scaling solves alot of that issue. Scale Raiders 311 down to 304 or 298 or whatever is “fair”
M+ 298 could scale down to whats heroic 292 or something if this is a “heroic raid issue”
Its not like your not farming out 3 different Chest pieces. You are going for x secondary stats so if you get a chest with x and y secondaries you want you can use that in Raid or M+
This really isnt a mythic raiders problem feels more like a heroic raiders issue not liking m+, but oddly enough only 20% get KSM sooo raiders arent really doing m+ to get gear anyways.
Yes some are obviously raiders but I can guarantee you of that 20% maybe upwards to 50% don’t actually raid at all
So that 20% that got KSM is more like 10-15% that got KSM that raid as well. And i bet a majority of those are mythic raiders
NOOO pls stop this topic oh my gosh
90% of u are so misinformed and don’t understand why raiding gear is objectively better please just let this topic fade away
Not really. Only difficulty of raiding is time committment. Hoping little Johnny can make it home from work on Tuesday Night at 7pm and rng that your fellow player doesnt dip it toe on the wrong pixel at 3:48 into the fight.
Why would anyone buy mythic boes if they weren’t objectively better than anything that drops from m+?
u realize the difference between a 304 item and a 288 from m+ is like 20 stamina right lmao
You playing this game in the first place is a choice.
If M+ and Raid gear have vendors that allowed focused acquisition, then this becomes a non-issue, but we know Blizzard hates knocking us off the endless loot treadmill.
More deterministic gear acquisition would be nice.
Why would anyone buy mythic boes if they weren’t objectively better than anything that drops from m+?
u realize the difference between a 304 item and a 288 from m+ is like 20 stamina right lmao
BoE’s should be removed entirely from the game, they serve no purpose other than massively inflating gold. Paying 1 million gold for 1 item is the dumbest sh!t ever.
None the less if people still wanna buy BoEs nothing would stop them
Yeah bit more than 20 stamina depending on the piece but it adds up over 15 slots not talking 1 slot and its not just stamina on gear you got secondary stats and main stats. 10 ilvl might be like 15k health
Should Battleground gear have no advantage in Arena ?
I mean it doesn’t, battleground gear is 265 (rank 1) and 285 (rank 7) in arena while pve gear above normal fated is higher ilvl in arenas than battleground gear. Battleground gear is meaningless vs arena gear as well. Battleground gear cannot be converted to catalyst tier either
10 ilvl might be like 15k health
hmm yeah for sure
Battleground gear is meaningless vs arena gear as well.
Battleground gear is conquest gear. Same as Arena, that’s the point.
No battleground gear is honor gear lol
Or rank 1 conquest, which is 288 ilvl vs rank 8 conquest which is 311. Conquest gear cannot be upgraded from battlegrounds
If you’re talking about rated battlegrounds then you should specify rated conquest gear because there’s a significant difference between the two
Not saying they cant, he just means it shouldn’t be as powerful as the gear you get out of pushing keys for M+
I would have to agree on all the points except for making certain types of gear stronger than others in other types of content.
I don’t think any gear should give an advantage in any content whatsoever. It’s simply an alternate means to achieve the end game. One chosen type of end game shouldn’t be stronger than the other with gear obtained a certain way.
There should be multiple paths to the same power levels and the only advantages should be a players own skill itself. If a raider gets wrecked in pvp or a pvper gets outparsed in raids, it’s a skill issue. We should stop trying to segregate players into types of players, and then punish certain types of players for reasons.
Blizzard developer(s) traditionally give advantages and preference to raiders, let’s be honest. It’s stupid.
Ever since the mythic changes to make mythic gear much less of a gap between raid gear, the majority of players are enjoying more Mythic, and less raiding.
This is indicative of the type of game people enjoy playing. Semi focused, but not life-encompassing, challenging content, that can be played unscheduled, in small doses at a time, spread throughout the week, if needed.
Focus on improving the overall Mythic system and push it really deep into a more involved grind with more rewards.
I love the idea of seasonal transmog. Just like the PVP set. Can even be the same set, with a mythic re-color.
Will need to be an overall mount for a certain amount of mythics like the season pvp mounts, but also keep the ksm mount for 2000, and add a top .5% mount as well. This will drive participation and make the .5% really count for the best players.
Although most of us will never get the .5% mounts so who cares really, I guess it wouldn’t hurt.
I personally would like to see more mythic dungeons in smaller rotations, perhaps 8 dungeons for 2 weeks and then switch 4 out for 4 new, then switch the next older set of 4 out for 4 new, every 2 weeks.
Maybe even make mythic seasons shorter and not tied to patches, so people will stay subbed for the new seasonal rewards every 8-12 weeks instead of one month out of every 3-6 months.
To make it even better, add an overall mythic leveling system, that gives exp for every mythic you do with bonus exp for completing achievements/rating tiers every season.
Similar to Honor level, the Mythic level remains each season and takes a very long to level up to max, with it’s own permanent rewards tied to it as well.
But that’s just me. Blizzard does what Blizzard does.
So adding strengths to gear based on which area or type of content you do is anti RPG?
It gives players who do that content a goal for that content they enjoy and feel rewarded for doing it.
Instead a person has to get mythic level raid gear then go back to M+ to push higher keys… But they don’t wanna raid… Yet they need those trinkets or specific gear to be able to perform better in M+…
Also the PvP bit you stated, it’s still PvP… Any gear balance or traits/skill changes already have their separated form of balance vs PVE balance patches…
He is specifically asking for M+ vs Raid differences in gear strengths.
Feel more rewarded by doing raids and your gear performs the best while within a raid instance.
Same for M+…
This isn’t anti RPG.
Dont bother with Raiimir… He’s too high on his own ego to have any kind of agreement in ANY COMMENT HE MAKES… He’s too proud to admit any idea is good or discuss how to make an idea work.
They just have to be careful of FOMO when making M+ seasons a focus.
The mounts for season 1-4 are a big no no for mount collectors.
There should always be a way to get older content at a later date through some grindy type of system or an extremely rare drop table on bosses etc… Not just locked out from ever getting it again and then they reskin the same mount or item for a new item in an expansion with different colors…
Copy paste FOMO mounts from the past is a bigger nono…
There should always be a way to get older content at a later date through some grindy type of system or an extremely rare drop table on bosses etc… Not just locked out from ever getting it again and then they reskin the same mount or item for a new item in an expansion with different colors…
Dont gladiator mounts work the same once season ends kinda goes away? I dont pvp so i dont actually know
i mean raimir isn’t wrong about the statement about loot - raiding loot is just objectively better than m+ loot
i know this may bother yall but there is definitely a reason why people buy 304 boes lmao
you can’t argue against this. 304 loot that gives 15 stam over a 298 is 100% better than m+ loot.