Separate raid and M+ gear

See sounds more legit now. I’m sure you just forgot about the 42 legit literal minutes of teleporter flight time I mentioned. Lol

It just seemed really fast to me. Still a full raid in an hour and 20 minutes, skipping trash is 100% a thing, if we killed all the trash it would have doubled the time.

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No, but mentionning it implies it takes a good chunk of time, which it does not. It’s not even relevant.

I’m not arguing :stuck_out_tongue: was just being a smart donkey pointing out 45 min was a bit exaggerated was all lol.

Ok mr. Literal however you feel. It was said because clearly they exaggerated the clear time. It was a joke. Clearly you have a great sense of humor.

Tip, funny jokes are usually rooted in some reality so that the readers/listeners can relate somewhat while finding the exageration comical.

“The trash from Guardian to TheSausage takes an hour alone!” is funny, because that trash is annoying AF.

“The teleporters take 5 hours!” is just going to leave the crowd going “uuuuhhhhhh ?”.

Happy to help with your future comedic endeavours!

welp time for M+ lockouts I guess

Except there is quite a bit of teleporter flight time. Every wing you gotta fly back to the start lol. You could you know just teleport us there … So again you are just a tool who likes to take every single thing as reality.

Since everyone can buy their trinkets for dinners or get them from the gvault for completing mythics I don’t see why they are such a big deal.

Also Ideal trinkets only matter if your pushing 29’s this season r now u can literally push 20’s in any gear/trinket combo if u are slightly competent and not brain dead.

Only if you greatly reduced RNG.

Like a total minute. Not even statistically significant in the run.

Honestly, I would go to Whole Foods instead. I doubt the trinkets in WoW are edible.

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For real go from 200+ items to 25ish max.

Honestly, let’s go a bit further. Let’s make the number of raid bosses and dungeons equal.

Let’s just have each dungeon have the loot table of a raid boss. Literally.

Kara Lower is Jailer loot. You get Gavel from Kara Lower.

Boom, no one whining “BiS is in the other mode!”.

If they do this, they need to redo the bag system and create a new set of bags that hold each type of content. PVP gear, Mythic gear, and Raid gear bags.

Basically it would be like the new tab system we have in our banks that store mats. We would just get a new tab that would store each system of gear.

Maybe give us a CD to call forth a guy that lets us access said gear out in the world.

I dont want to have to hold 3 sets of gear in my bag and sort through it each time i want to do different content.

He’s called Jeeves. He exists.

Fair, but I have absolutely no faith that Bilzzard can deliver on that because we continually have seen expansion after expansion where there is always this green-text weapon, and in the last 2 expansions it’s been a 2H strength weapon, that benefits the same classes and is the most sought after weapon.

“We think we’ve learned from our mistakes, but we’ll keep doing them” mentality.

Exactly this.

I can’t tell you how many times we’ve reached out to people who are even lower IO than our team and we’re just helping friends clear 15s to 20s and they’re like, “nah it isn’t IO, no thanks”.

I’d most definitely support this. Then you apply a Dinar like system to both Raid and M+ so that if after so many kills/runs you haven’t gotten your BiS whatever, you can just purchase it and upgrade it based on IO score or Raid achievements.

But he doesnt have tabs that sort your gear so no he doesnt exist.

Forums in a nutshell.


How? If you don’t Raid your gear is capped right now and based on your OP that’s what you’re arguing.

Nothing would change for you.

Already explained you how

Are you currently capped at the max Vault iLevel if you don’t Raid or not?

Is the issue that Mythic Raiders with gear from the last couple of Bosses have a higher cap than you can reach and thus have a higher cieling for clearing keys or not?

If all gear was capped at Vault max ilevel when entering M+ then nothing would change for you or any other non Raider who runs keys. You’d have the same max potential iLevel you have currently with the same loot pool. Mythic Raiders on the other hand would be nerfed in keys which solves your issue from the OP.

If what you really want though is a higher iLevel potential from just doing Keys so you can push higher ala Diablo 3 Rifts then ask for that instead of this crap. Just be honest.