Separate raid and M+ gear

Raiders shouldn’t have advantage in keys. Keys have a score and in game rewards tied to score now just like the PvP ladder.

Make m+ gear scale up in dungeons and give us a bonus for having 2 dungeon trinkets equipped just like pvp gear. ( and also make more trinkets and new trinkets each season or every other season )

Also make t mog set that unlocks throughout the rating breakpoints just like pvp. And elite set at 3k or w/e

Also make a 2nd mount for higher rating ( just like how pvp has 2 seasonal mounts one for glad one for participation )

Put more effort into your game blizz


This should happen regardless of whatever else they do tbh.


wait, I thought we were complaining about raid gear.
I need to know what I’m supposed to be angry about OP!

That aside, dungeon trinkets really don’t need extra benefits considering that 90% of the time they’re the best trinkets in any content.


With this proposed change trinkets would be the best trinkets in the content they come from.


At first, I thought maybe this was a bad idea.

Then seeing how bis from raids are better for higher tiers, maybe it isn’t so bad at all. :wink:

This is just Domination gear reversed.

Domination gear was the worse system introduced in SL.

Let’s not repeat the same mistake. The game modes need to share gear. PvE needs to be PvE with no distinction.


So, PVE stuff shouldn’t have any advantage in PVE Content?

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Correct. Raid pve gear shouldn’t have advantage in m+ pushing.

Glad I could clear that up for you ( hopefully ) if you are still having trouble comprehending just ask again.


Should Battleground gear have no advantage in Arena ?


Don’t care. Ask someone that Qs battlegrounds

I agree. Raid gear should scale up in raids and be worse than dungeon gear in dungeons. Questing gear should scale up in the world and down in every other area of the game. Justice to upgrade dungeon gear, which is only good in dungeons. Valor to upgrade raid gear, which is only good in raid. Honor for bg gear, only good for battlegrounds. And conquest for arena. Only good in, well, you guessed it.

Edit: /s

Blizz seems to actually want people do do more than one type of content. Not sure they’d be on board with a total 180 like this.

Forcing ppl to do content they don’t wanna do is how you lose players and burn them out


They don’t.



If domination shards were tier set bonuses instead, people wouldn’t be calling it the worst system. (Just as restricted.)

How about

Yes they do have advantage in keys with raid gear.

And yes

And yes


Farming dungeon gear and raid gear with the awful looting system we currently have would be terrible.

I don’t want to manage multiple sets of equipment when acquiring pieces for those sets is completely dependent on RNG.

If M+ and Raid gear have vendors that allowed focused acquisition, then this becomes a non-issue, but we know Blizzard hates knocking us off the endless loot treadmill.


People don’t want m+ gear to be as high ilvl as mythic raid gear


Don’t want gear to be separated.

Actually just selfish

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Ok, so how is it an advantage? Please explain a bit further on this one?