Separate raid and M+ gear

One dungeon = 1 boss tho.

Average boss fight 5 mins

Average dungeon time 30 mins.

waves at Raiimir

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So you get 4 loot chances in M+.

You get 10 in Heroic.

Wow. Seems unfair. You’re right. In the favor of raids though.

Complaining that others get stuff, vs complaining that others should get stuff.

Understand the slight difference. I know it might be too nuanced and all. Complicated stuff really.

Seems to be what most people are doing these days. You might not a game to raid in for long at this rate.

“OTHER PEOPLE HAVING STUFF ?!?!?! NOT IN MY GAME!” is entirely a made issue in your head.

The boss fight might be 5 minutes. The trash is not. And if you need something odd I’d the last few bosses you have to kill the previous bosses.

Just death skip, there’s no trash requirements to getting loot in raids.

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Skips exist and also you death run the trash soulstone a healer and have them mass Rez.

I’m done talking to you. Me and you are not the same. We are too far apart. You kill raid trash for BOEs I time 30s for warmup.

It took me 30 minutes just to put together a 21 iron docks group.

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If your raid is taking more than 5-10minutes at most to clear trash between bosses then they are either really undergeared or just not good. I don’t think my raid takes that long on any section of trash in any of the raids this expansion.

You’re being disingenuous.

Gearing to feel more powerful is the baseline for every aspect of this game from open world casual play all the way up to high end PVP. Yes, you want better gear to push keys but doing high keys only rewards score which is what you’re really chasing to get higher on the ladder. That’s the definition of a Challenge Mode activity. This isn’t D3 with gear that keeps scaling with the content.

You made this thread complaining about Raiders having an advantage over you in high keys since you don’t want to Raid. Capping iLevel upon entry into M+ solves that problem and wouldn’t change anything for you. The problem is your OP is misleading and intentionally combative. Your issue isn’t feeling disadvantaged by Raiders. Your issue is you just want better gear. All good, just ask for that instead.

And yes, I’m defensive about high end Raiding. I don’t have skin in the game since I stopped playing at that level but I know how hard it is to maintain a successful Mythic Raid team and I do want those players to get the best rewards for that reason alone.

Adding gear to 20s might actually help low 20 group forming.

As it is now, you’ve timed a +22 dock ? No reason to ever run a +20, +21 or +22 docks ever again. It’s +23 or nothing.

Yeah only exception is the cancerous trash from Shriekwing to Sunking/Xymox.

It would change everything for us. If gear was capped instead of scaling up we’d hit our ceiling in 1 push week and never play the game again.

Right now we always come back every week at start of season with stronger gear and then again at end of season with bis gear to push higher keys.

Reaching ceiling fast also will make the r1 title about speed runing the same key level instead of pushing higher keys which are 2 separate things ( mdi vs great push )

What you are asking for is to completely change the content game mode I enjoy but you’re too inexperienced to even realize what you’re asking for

Hell, if it looks like the group is going to fail you bail, no reason to even finish it because you get the same valor from a +20 as you do from a +2.

Sure thing.

You’re right. You’re throwing a tantrum. I am not.

Actually I don’t.

DHs need to warm up?

They do, I ran Heroic SoTFO from start to finish in 45 minutes last week. We skipped the vast majority of trash. For what we didnt skip we made maybe 1-2 pulls of trash til boss.

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Yes because all of us really want to farm two or three sets of gear just to do dungeons and raids and world quests.

The shriekwing to Xymox, especially if also opening the mirror, is pretty long.

But they kind of offset it by Shriekwing being 2 pulls, Sludgefist has no trash, SLG is 3 pulls (or 1 big pull), and Sire has no trash.

Idk about that one. Loggs or it didn’t happen. You spend like 42 minutes just flying back and forth through the teleporter things.

Uh ? Those add around a total minute to the run max.

It was one hour 20 minutes, so I was off by 35 minutes.

Wow guy, clap clap clap for this guy everyone. Clearly I mean CLEARLY I was being literal when I said 42 minutes.