Separate raid and M+ gear

You just call me a low end key runner?

Ok, let’s give you what you want.

No more raiding weekly lockout.

Enjoy the death of raid loggers.

It’s not an insult, it’s a fact. Some raiders really are fragile when it comes to hinting their mode of play isn’t the top dog anymore.

It’s not. RNG and valor caps prevent it from being an issue. We’ve seen it in S1-S3 IRT Heroic raiding. M+ doesn’t overtake Heroic Raiding until they uncap valor or the cap reaches around 8k-10k.

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You realize with my proposal everyone gets to do only the content they enjoy?

I doubt it ever happens due to Blizz time played metrics and even then you still have to go to the bosses you need.

And some mplus runners are just as fragile.

And we have seen where mplus giving equal gear to raiding was an issue and why Blizz nerfed the rewards from mplus.


My god, you want the bosses teleported right into Ironforge, a cup of coffee with that ? Like should we also get a few NPCs to kill it for you, wash the loot of blood before you can put it on ?

Raiders so fragile.

I’ve mostly seen raiders cry, but ok, whatever helps you sleep at night.

Never saw it. Literally never. Not even BfA pre-M+ nerf.

The only problem M+ gearing creates is it makes raid loggers cry when they get benched.

Raiding is out dated.

Heroic should have no lockout and should be farmable.

Mythic lockout shouldn’t exist and it should work like the current heroic personal loot lockout.

Cross realm should be open from day one.

Blizz is killing their own game holding onto vanilla raiding mindset

Heroic should have a “repeat” mode for loot, but the loot is in the chest at the end of the raid and can be any piece from any boss.



It would be like requiring you to do streets before doing gambit or JY before WS.

Good job taking that out of context and missing the point.

Dude you’re literally melting like a snowflake in this thread.

Lol I enjoy both so I’m fine. I’m also not biased and pretending some raiders are not complaining.

Doesn’t mean it didn’t exist.

No, it would be like requiring M+ to finish a dungeon to get loot.

You have to go to the boss to get loot.

Says the guy who gets hinted the minute it’s suggested +20s should drop loot higher than what +15s drop.

Raiders have been complaining since Vanilla, while also being the most pampered crowd.

Raiders that use the label to prevent the game from joining us in 2022 should be treated for what they are : kids in the aisle of Toys r’us doing the bacon dance. You ignore them, and throw out 2-3 of their toys when you get home.

It does actually. Just because you invent “a problem” to justify keeping M+ down in favor of your favorite PvE activity, doesn’t mean it actually exists as a problem.

People that both raid and do mythic+ gear up faster than those that just do one or the other, makes sense to me. I don’t see the issue.

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IMHO: I don’t think the way out of the current problem is making a system that’s even more complicated.

Raids just need to be rethought and made fun again. Very few people had an issue with Mythic+ until this expansion because Raiding was still the thing you did with your buddies 2 or 3 nights a week. It was fun to progress.

Todays Raids are just too complicated. They’re grossly overtuned without fail at launch and even when nerfed several times over a month or two, they’re still frustrating and unfun… and based on the numbers, people are sick of it. With Mythic+ being a viable alternative, that’s what they’re doing rather than having a bad time raiding.

Make raiding fun again for people other than World First raiders and people will do it.

Oh yes, and if you have a Valor system for M+, it should apply to raid loot as well.

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Except the issue isn’t just ILVL, it’s also special-text weapons or trinkets that come from the raid that you can’t get unless you raid. If there is no comparable source of an equally powerful trinket or weapon specifically from M+, you’ve really solved nothing with this by itself.

It would be like requiring you to 3 chest a 22 before doing a 25

Yes you have to kill bosses before going to next boss

I personally have no issue with the current lack of perfect equivalence, outside massive outliers like Gavel that are problems in and of their own right.

That X BiS trinket is raid only, while Y BiS Weapon is M+ only, that’s fine. Chase the +50 dps all you want, but do it where it drops.

As long as the reward structures are the same and the gear level is about the same in both modes, someone who does both should have a slight advantage in that he can get the “Best of both Worlds”.

If you guys want m+ loot to be rng just lien raiding.

Bring back Titanforging as it was in bfa. It was rng and ppl still able to get max ilvl loot

Actually, I don’t know why M+ loot needs to be this RNG.

Why not just spawn 3-5 chests at the end, one for each boss, with a shadow of the boss behind it to know which is which.

And then you pick 1 of them to get a chance at items from that boss.

I do agree raiding and raid reward structure is outdated

It’s quite funny watching raiders complain about having to do m+ and m+ players having to do raiding when the people complaining on both sides aren’t doing either at a level that the difference between a 298 and a 304 even matters.

Unless you’re pushing 30s or in a RWF guild, it doesn’t.

The average time to clear an mplus dungeon is 30-40 minutes.

The average time to clear a raid is 2 hours on heroic.

You’re confused if you think I’m upset. Just pointing things out that would cause your ideas to not happen.

You’re complaining now. Tomato tomato.

There are other games available if you don’t like how this one is designed.

I didn’t invent anything. Blizzard nerfed mplus drops for a reason. Just like they needed ZM ilvl rewards compared to Korthia.