Separate raid and M+ gear

I like this and have seen it suggested before. I just feel there should be a cap on how high the upgrades can go based on the iLevel of the original drop.

Another post also threw out the idea of bringing back Warforging if something like this was added. Basically making Warforged gear come with free upgrades as a little perk.

I honestly think S4 proved that we can move beyond that. Raid items can be upgraded so long as you have boss kills, M+ loot can be upgraded so long as you have valor in S4, and it honestly feels pretty good, if not a little fast in M+ due to uncapped valor, vs a little slow in raids due to the 20 kill requirement.

If we think of 1 boss = 1 dungeon, 20 kill requirements is 4k valor just to upgrade a single piece. That only applies realistically to weapons or very low items to begin with in M+.

That’s why I feel just moving fully to the valor system in both modes solves all “fairness” issues honestly.

I agree with this as well but the mythic raiders wont go for it. They want to have the best gear with just raiding. But, they want their gear to be good in all content but they want all other content to drop loot that isnt as good as theirs.

Hence, why PVP gear isnt good in pve but mythic raid gear is good in pvp and mythic raid gear is good in m+ but m+ doesnt allow you to come close to mythic raid gear without considerable rng luck and more time investment.

Heroic raiders are just upset their content is easy and their gear gets outpaced by m+.

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I’ve said something similar but expanded it to cover all intermingling of gear.
M+ players can’t wear M+ gear into raids and do as well as a raider.
Raiders can’t wear raid gear into M+ and do as well as a M+er.
Neither M+er nor Raider can wear gear into instanced PvP and do as well as a PvPer.
No scaling differences in the open world. This way, everyone is strong in the content that they do and “outsiders” aren’t.
Downside of “mode” suggestions is now you either have to have multiple sets of gear i.e a M+ set a Raid set and a PvP set :grimacing: Don’t nobody want to carry around that much gear, that’s stupid.

You know how we can save sets of gear? Don’t require the player to keep the gear to have the set. Kind of like how Heirlooms work but not exactly.
But that only solves the bag space issue, you still need to farm up gear for your sets to be “MAX POWA” in each gameplay area.

Just stop, plz, OP. All you ever do is humble brag in the form of crying.

Meh. The main difficulty with all Raiding is organization but there’s also the issue of lockouts and specifically for Mythic being server locked until the HoF is filled for both factions. The big problem cuurently is we can’t have two vastly different PVE end game systems because one will always be better.

Raiding hasn’t changed much since Vanilla. We still have weekly lockouts and slow gearing and requires more a more regular time commitment from its members. M+ has no lockouts, is puggable cross realm from the start and is built for modern gamers with it’s quick in and out style ala games like LOL.

That seems far too complex and ruins any sense of a singular world IMO.

Just cap player iLevel once they enter any M+ dungeon at the max they can get from just doing that content. That puts everyone on the same playing field which is what you want for competitve ladder stye content wihtout the need to have multiple sets of gear .

I would unsub as soon as this came decision came across my feed.

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There is nothing wrong with the system as it is.

Then you need to also cap gear in raids.

And you need to cap gear in Heroic dungeons.

And you need to cap gear in the overworld.

And all you’ve done is create a CoD lobby game where people pick a game mode on a menu, select their loadout.

You’ve destroyed the last vestige of WoW as a MMORPG. Might as well just go play Leagues of Legends at that point.

Why? If all you do is M+ right now nothing would change. It would just scale down Mythic Raid gear so everyone is on the same playing field.

Since keys over 15 are bascially the new Challenge modes I would think making the push all skill based after a certain point would be attractive.

The complaints about Mythic Raid gear in M+ are all coming from players pushing keys who want to have equal power so their skill is all that matters. No one cares about being 5% strongfer in Heroic Dungeons and/or the open world since those aren’t competive aspects of the game.

I always prefer using the KISS principle and all these convoluted suggestions are anything but simple.

Scream it from the rooftops! :100:

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No, they want equal power from keys because it’s fun getting an upgrade or two and suddenly pushing up another +.

Same as raiders enjoying getting a few extra pieces accross the raid and shaving 10 seconds off their boss kill.

Gear progression in PvE is enjoyable to most people.

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And how would this change that at all? If someone just runs keys and all their gear comes from M+ a cap wouldn’t effect them at all. The only players effected would be Mythic Raiders when they run M+ which is the whole point of this thread.

M+ absolutely needs better rewards on the high-end. That’s the fix. That’s the whole point. Everything else is band-aids over the status quo that makes the game less enjoyable.

Just give M+ players actual avenues of getting good loot that is not the RNG mess of the weekly chest.

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That solves nothing because we’ll wind up in the same situation again unless Blizz revamps M+ gearing by adding some form of lockouts and/or removes lockouts from Raiding just for a start.

Someone pushing keys right now is doing it for the score not for the gear. The current problem is someone just running M+ knows they can’t push as high as someone who also Raids Mythic. Pushing Keys is just Challenge Modes 2.0 and should be skill based the way Challenge Modes were in MoP and a cap solves that.

This has come up a few times now.

I’m personally not a fan of having two sets of gear. It’s hard enough to get BiS as it is.

I’d rather see their effort put into balancing the gear acquisition process across the two PVE forms and continuing to reward players for doing both forms of PVE content rather than creating gearsets and boundaries between the two.

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A tale as old as time.

“Wow, I spent 3000 valor to upgrade this weapon!”

Weapon in vault next week.

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How is it complex? Where did you get the gear? That’s where it will be most powerful.