Bump for a banish on the chickens.
Everyone “forced” to be engi, Blizz say bad.
People keep acting like I am the one who thinks this. No. Blizz changed drums, this is exactly the same.
We don’t require people to go chicken yet we clear content just fine. Your point is invalid.
Do you want a cookie?
The situation is exactly the same as with drums. It’s that simple.
Give all melee groups a guaranteed buff thats the equivalent of 2.5 bloodlusts? How about no.
That settles it! Enhance shaman, fury warrior, and ret paladin think its balanced! I’m sure you aren’t biased at all.
Home to roost would have been better… chickens tend to not occupy “pastures.” Also battle chicken is fine
Hunters and our pets also approve of the chicken.
Just a reminder that a full chicken stack is a boost of about 500 dps to a single fury warrior in p2 bis with a good comp. I dont think there is any item in the game that is that powerful.
If you arent using it, you should be benched.
Ya chicken really is stupid.
Show me where the chicken touched you.
Just a reminder that in full SWP bis gear, a single fury warrior gains over 800 dps from a full stack of chickens.
We have now reached world buff territory, congrats.
IS this trick hard to pull off? In the video I see, they had to bring trash with them near a boss fight.
I haven’t seen any PUG requiring chicken yet. It’s not prevalent like WBs in classic. If it’s within parse and speedrunning, it’s fine by me. I would worry when it gets too popular.
If you know how, it’s not hard at all to pull it off. The only reason it’s not popular yet, is most people don’t know how incredibly good it is. Although I do see more and more people doing it now. I have started to see guild leader’s ask their physical dps to take gnomish engineering for this reason.
People use the forked lightning in p2 of vashj to force the squawk. With KT you can use the trash in the room b4 starting the RP or you can use telonicus’ bombs.
If this stays, drums need to be unnerfed.
You’re complaining as the enh who gets double lust every fight.
Dude chickens are least of your concerns you get plenty of lusts for it to be easy 99s. Sitting super pretty my friend.
So you’re telling me… Guilds still on prog are using this strategy to kill KT and vash?
And you’re using a p2 forked lightning to force the proc? So you are using a chicken in the slot instead of a real trinket? I’m sorry but that’s a major DPS decrease. Keeping a chicken in your trinket slot the entire time for a POSSIBLE proc. Yeah okay dude.
And guilds who are progging are absolutely not keeping the KT trash alive as they pull the boss. Once you kill the trash it’s over with. So they are keeping it alive and playing around it? A guild 10 weeks in with no kill yet is attempting that for squawks? Ive gotta see that.
You are completely overreacting to something not a big deal that we have fun with.
what other trinket gives you 500 dps? Im not sure you have much capacity for critical thinking at this point.
Believe it or not you can actually trinket swap before pull.
You will absolutely get guilds using it on bruttallus progression, if you don’t think that will be the case then you are just delusional.
If it’s not a big deal like you say it is (remember it’s an 800 dps increase for fwarrior in swp), then you wouldn’t care if it was taken out of the game.
I’m not complaining, but thanks for digging through my logs? Weirdo.
Again, if Blizz thought drums were worth changing, this is the same scenario.
Okay so… a single chicken is worth 500 DPS? And then 800 DPS in swp?
So I had 5 squawks on loot reaver the other day, got a 99 with 2k DPS.
So without them…my DPS is -500? Do I have that math correct? Funny because i only beat my non squawk DPS by about 120. Weird that it went from 2500 DPS to 120.
And sure you can prepop, but you gave the example of phase 2 forked lightning which I’m not sure they even make it that far if you prepop. They very likely die to a static charge.
And you also never answered for your terrible KT prepop where the RP and first two spawns eat most of that haste anyways since they are anti melee.
Again completely overreacting