Send the Battle Chicken out to pasture

I didn’t agree with the drum change lmao. It wasn’t even that serious on pservers and the whole push was after people feeling ‘‘forced’’ to get wbuffs before raid. One thing led to another. You been here long, Guy?


Who asked?

It’s about Blizzard. Blizzard thought drums were worth changing, this is the same. So I would expect a change.

Can’t argue there.

But since this is the forums where players post their opinions on the game. Nobody had to ask me.


Chicken trinkets are fine.

People just have to git gud.


No one is forcing you to use chicken, and if you are trying to get 100s or speedrunning, it’s part of the game. Don’t like it, don’t use it, same as world buffs.


We said the same about the drums, it didn’t prevent the collective derangement in the forums to nerf drums.

At least we’re already into the expansion and they won’t change the chicken.

if you cant handle classic mechanics dont play classic


Join a speed running guild.

Only idiots take parses seriously to begin with. IF you’re not looking at the final clear time for your raid need and how that stacks up, nobody cares what kind of parse you have.

Eh. Parsing isn’t important anyways. People find ways to cheese the parses (Such as this) that aren’t applicable outside of niche ridiculous circumstances, the highest level of parses are all in some way cheesed or stacked in some way to purposely elevate them higher than would in a normal raid setting be possible. So in my opinion, the highest level of parses aren’t really valid, nor accurate to anything indication of what could be considered “Good” it’s all just cheese.

A DPS boost is a DPS boost, and if players are failing to clear the raid content due to performance then there are going to be discussions about what can be done to increase performance and something like the chicken can be a tantalizing perk to grab despite not wanting to swap.

The real question is how many people are using the chicken because, for various reasons, they feel obligated to use it. That’s tricky to figure out, but Blizzard can at least know how many raiders are engineers and using the chicken during raid time.

When you’re done with farm parsing is something people have traditionally liked to do for the fun of competition against others. It’s not valid in the sense that you won’t get those numbers during progression, but I don’t think anyone is really pretending otherwise.

In retail I feel like it used to be really “bad” in the sense that top guilds would let only one person AoE all the adds, and they would feed someone buffs, etc. I don’t know if it’s still like that for top end guilds though, but I personally don’t worry too much about parsing anymore because of that. Still, I get why people have fun doing it.


But cheese is good…

Patch 2.4.0 (25-Mar-2008): Level set to 55, where formerly it scaled with the user’s engineering skill. As partial compensation, the cooldown time was reduced from 30 minutes to 20 minutes.

Just gonna put this here so people realize that chickens are not supposed to be this powerful.

Strategies like using chickens to progress through DPS checks will for sure happen. This will filter down to casual guilds and you end up with the same dilemma as world buffs and drums. Only chickens are much more powerful than drums.


Cookie for That 70’s Show gif. Love that show.


It isn’t just used for parsing though, that’s the problem. It can be used for bypassing mechanics by having high enough DPS.

Just a reminder to all physical DPS: drums+bloodlust+5xChickens is 60% haste. If you arent using chickens on progression fights, you should be benched for someone who wants to.


Chickens have a 20m CD… And many bosses like vash and KT you can’t even force procs since there is nothing around to force them on.

Kind of a stretch what you’re saying just imo.

Imagine not being an engi tho? Sappers, fel iron bombs, etc.

Are you saying those should also be removed because I can hit a 15k sapper on tidewalker but someone without engi can’t? It’s not fair to them that I get to do a lot more dps because I am engi.


I really hate the idea of stripping fun and unique things about this game that in order for it to become retail

One by one the uniqueness fades away… Because people find it “unfair”… and then… well you get shadow lands.


Well it was nerfed in 2.4.0, so what you are saying is that you want something that wasn’t in the original game to be put in to make content easier. That sounds more like the philosophy of retail to me.

If you want quirky engineering items, play classic (Som). Items like shadow reflectors, rocket helm, death ray and discombobulator were all effectively taken out of the game in tbc.

It was nerfed to be level 55… Still had haste and same mechanics.

You sound like a whiney child upset over these.

You still never addressed how guilds will force proc for progress even with no mobs around to force proc them on .,.

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Yes just like how the arcanite dragonling is lvl 55 atm, it wont proc.

I forgot that there are no trash mobs in raids that you can proc your chickens off and all the guilds are somehow hacking the game to get the buff /s

Even if this was all about parsing, a large amount of the playerbase plays for logs and this just creates a toxic meta.

I remember when people said that players will only use wbuffs in classic to parse. It ended up being part of progression raiding even for casual guilds