Sell me on pet battles

Pet battles are a complete waste of dev resources

Or just go there. On a CRZd server. It’s not like people are farming them.


Looked up its location and found it in about 5 minutes. Leveled it as my leveling pet in one day of pet dailies then used it to clear out the new zone pet challenges

I feel like I’m being forced to do pet battles just to get extra rep for flight. As someone who has never tried pet battles, and is clueless it’s all too daunting. I wouldn’t even know how to get a pet to level 25, let alone win battles with it and know strategies to win. I see the pets on the auction house but don’t know which ones to buy ???

I think the battles are way too slow to be enjoyable. Also feels like any time you try to do any of the dailies etc you gotta have just the right team to stand a chance. Only level 25’s I have is from the freebie stones and my alt army from WOD garrisons.

It would be a lot more fun if 90% of the matches weren’t against the Blizz AI bot that always has pets that are the exact counter to your pets.

Like some others, I was not interested at first. I first started playing during TBC and at the time there was not pet tab. Keeping pets meant using bag space and it was too precious to use for a vanity pet.

I came back to the game during MOP and felt like it was Pokemon and a big waste of time. Then I got the Feline Familiar during the Halloween event. I was flying along and noticed this cat riding a broom behind me. I decided it was worth levelling him up for some reason.

Ultimately, it’s like a complex game of rock, paper, scissors. There are enough people playing that pretty much any PVE target can be made trivial. But after a while, you can usually figure out strategies on your own. That’s a lot more satisfying to me.

Some pets are useful. You can use Pierre as a cooking fire. The Guild squires can be used as vendors. Fragment of Desire can help you win the Snail race in Stonedark Grotto.

Some have cool animations. Creepy Crate will eat critters. Brightpaw will dash around you. Filthling will spew liquid on you. Frigid Frostling will throw snowballs at players. Lil Rags will set critters on fire. There a ton of them. Some are annoying. Some are funny.

Pet collectors are generally friendly and it’s the one forum where everyone isn’t doom and gloom. PVP is not easy, but it is challenging. And it’s pretty well balanced right now. Plus it’s a good activity for those times when you’re too drunk to do anything useful.

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I only battle wild pets to catch them. That’s all. I don’t battle other players.

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I tried doing some of the npc pet battles (the “starter” ones meant to introduce you to the system) and had like 6 pets in a row die before I even won a single match. I gave up and havent bothered with them since.

Pokemon doesnt belong in warcraft.

Your loss :sunglasses:

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Nothing can match budget Ragnaros


If you would like to try to get started, this video may help. It has some useful info in it, it’s mostly generalized info on first starting with pet battling.


Just remove the space before youtube when you paste the url.

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Strip away all the neat spell effects for each pet, and you’re left with the same thing. Over. And over. And over. I only recently delved into pet battles when I heard there was a secret game scavenger hunt to acquire Ba’al. Uuna’s story alone is worth all the time spent getting Ba’al. The battles themselves? Painfully monotonous. I’m not sold. I also don’t believe those who have opted into them should earn reputation faster than those who haven’t. It’s a game within a game and doesn’t even remotely feel like WoW coughpokemoncough.

I have many friends who play WoW and each of them play at their own pace, and some enjoy playing poke- I mean pet battles. We frequently group up together, and, I don’t know… my experience feels a bit cheapened? Or like diminished as they’ve already got their Pathfinder achievements due to the massive rep rewards and I’ve been left in the dust. I feel like those like me, who never liked, needed, or wanted to ‘catch em all’ shouldn’t have been put into a position where people look down at us and say “Whelp, shoulda jumped on the pokemon bandwagon!” “You’re loss!” etc.

Keep your game-within-a-game. Just keep it isolated. You shouldn’t be able to get huge gains for WoW when you’re playing a totally different game. The PET gaming system within WoW should reward PET rewards. Not WoW rewards.

I’ve been very weary of getting into pet battles and figuring them out. But reading this has given me some inspiration and confidence to do so. So thanks to the people sharing their experiences and tips. I appreciate it.


I was really into them for a long time and even had over 900 unique pets at one time all at level 25 and rare. I pretty much burnt myself out on them and sold off a bunch but it was fun while it lasted. Some of them are just adorable and it is pretty fun to figure out how to beat the opposing team.

I hate that too. I have one, but I hate that so many pet battles are balanced around that stupid pet.

I vastly prefer my Clockwork Gnome/Black claw team.

all you need is a couple lvl100 alts and some Garrisons. Then power level the rest. It’s not that hard.

The achievement for 5000 pvp pet battle victories is the rarest currently obtainable achievement in the game with only .1% of player having it. There’s some prestige in that so that’s something to shoot for.

Call me jaded but I think Pet battles are better than PvP in this game. At least in this expansion

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I think I’m a bit over 2k shy of that achievement and I’ve not done any pvp bet pattles since MoP. I can see why it’s so low, it was fun to stand in shrine and level alts without actually working for it but man, did it take a while.