Seems way past time for human druids doesn't it?

I’m gonna be quite honest here. I am against opening up classes to all races HOWEVER Blizz gives humans hairless cat form I’ll back it :100:.


Blizaard could make up lore for it if they wanted to. They could give all races all the classes. It would probably give them more race change money.

But they don’t…Why?

They have to animate all the animation of the classes in each races ofc…and they just don’t have the mood to do that…

Aren’t Kul’tirans human?

Not all classes have race specific effects.

Sure making every race Druids or Demon Hunters would take some work, but they could flip the switch on things like Worgen Monks and Draenei Rogues right now no problem.

If they did open the flood gates, I can see them releasing Mages, Preists, Warlocks, Rogues, and Monks to all races right off the bat, then adding Druids, Demon Hunters, Shaman, and Paladins in patches as the assets for them were finished.

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Yes and technically Worgen are human(ish) too but not everyone wants to be a muscle bear or a furry.

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Or Vulpera druids. We need Vulpera druids now :frowning:

Dwarven riflemen dude

What of them?

Wrong. Something that fat and drunk should have never been rogues.

Undead literally are born from the ground. Like trees/ plants. That’s right folks, we need undead druids

I’m regards to implementing your suggestion they could just give KTs the storm wind body type. That would make more sense.

Technically Gilnean children born between two Worgen still have the strength of their parents without the curse. They could as easily take up Druidism. The harvest witch practice goes back for a long while yet now and they still have the Night Elves to help them attune further into nature.

With that said I don’t see this happening anytime soon.

Both Gilneas and Kul Tirans have the culture that supports Druids. SW Humans do not.

Yes… they coexist with nature

And the fact that they coexist with nature

Because humans don’t coexist with nature… they go in, erect stone and steel buildings and change the environment to suit their needs. The spirits of nature wouldn’t trust humans with their powers because they’ve seen what humans have done. Heck the elemental forces don’t trust humans either and they are more prone to violence (and accepting of) than nature is. It’s really not that hard to understand.

Yes… I have a bunch of Forsaken Seeds in a barn somewhere… Just plant, water, and grow. Faster than you can say Cha Cha Chia!

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They were a unit in warcraft 3, that’s why dwarves could be hunters in vanilla

No they don’t, and they never will.

I see. Still doesn’t really explain why humans couldn’t be hunters due to not being in touch with nature while dwarfs who treat Azeroth like a giant mining operation were somehow attuned to nature but humans weren’t.

Dwarves were originally made of stone and part of nature.

Also it was a poorly thought excuse for what was probably a gameplay issue.

So were we, well, technically the Vrykul were but it sort of still counts I guess.

Humans couldn’t be hunters because they had 6 classes already and they wanted to keep the number of classes per race balanced across both factions, wasn’t for lore reasons. Dwarves weren’t given hunters because of “attunement to nature”, it’s because they shoot guns in warcraft 3