Seems way past time for human druids doesn't it?

I mean Gilneans and Kul’Tirans both have access to the druid class and not giving that class to the base Human race just seems jarring. What logical reason is there for these humans to be the only humans with no Druid?

Granted if they gave Humans druid they’d have to give another Horde race the class as well but I submit that Orcs are a great choice. They’re already deep into nature magic in the lore and Druid isn’t exactly a stretch of the imagination given their relationship to both Trolls and Tauren.


These humans have no connection to druidsm, therefore no druids for them.

Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


We already have them they are called furries but they have no combat abilities


This was the same logic used to prevent Human hunters and Blizzard disagrees with it. Thank you for coming to my counter Ted Talk.

Race/class restrictions as a whole just need to be scrapped by now.


I play on Moonguard. Do you have any idea what happens on Moonguard if you arrive in a hub in Worgen form? shudders

The human cat form could be a hairless cat. Yes Blizz make this happen. I need this

Most humans look like waxed bodybuilders so this makes sense

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Hunters do not have the same connection to nature as druids.

I admit orcs would have cool forms but they don’t make sense with current lore.

No, they aren’t.

Elemental magic is not nature magic.

Stormwind humans have no ties to Druidism.

Just roll a Kul’Tiran, theres your human druids .

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Again, the entire lore behind Beast Master hunters and Earthen Ring shaman disagrees with you.

That was absolutely stupid how humans never could be hunters in Vanilla but Dwarfs and Nelfs could be. Did we just have to wait for them to drop meat off for us at the front of Stormwind because we didn’t know how to hunt game?

Nah, it doesn’t.

Being able to tame animals is not the same as using nature magic in the way druids do.

Because in WoW lore hunters had a tie to nature magic and humans weren’t seen as being capable. They went back on that logic because it made 0 sense.

Kul Tirans had Ulfur, the last Drust druid, teaching them. Gilneas didn’t even have druids. They had harvest witches, a leftover of the old tribal ways before humans really began expanding their society. Witches were comparatively weak and uncommon, but they became true druids when the night elves taught them the serious magic.

There’s nothing physically preventing Stormwind from druids, almost anyone can be anything. But in lore they don’t have it. They completely abandoned any nature magic a long time ago and went all in on the Light, arcane and modernization. Nothing druid related there.

Classes are decided by social norms or realistic possibilities, not the rare outliers or things that aren’t in their history.

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Oh yeah, because when I think Dwarfs all I think about is how attuned to nature they are.

It’s past time for a lot of things. Human Druids aren’t one of them. The Shamans need more body type options. Even the Paladins should be extended to Velfs and Kul Tiran.

Human Druids…no thanks.

For a brief moment I forgot this was WoW GD. The only place on Earth where sentiments like

“Magically communing with nature isn’t the same as nature magic”


“The elemental forces or Nature aren’t Nature”

Would ever make sense.

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I just can’t be that overweight, not even in rp.

Human druids, please!

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Thank you for saying this. The “Shaman aren’t Nature School” argument drives me insane.

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