Seems way past time for human druids doesn't it?

It also houses most of the population of Gilneas. So all the Alliance druids are hanging out in stormwind and apparently not a single one of them was ever asked to teach druidism to someone else.

This could work given that Darkspear druids were taught by tauren.

Edit: This is false, I remembered incorrectly.
They were taught by Gonk.

In no way shape or form is it the same logic. Anyone who can pick up a bow or gun can be a hunter, that’s why every race has it as a choice.

Only certain races have any connection to druidism. Also, I like how Humans and Orcs are the choices. lol

Id like to point you towards WoW, BC, and WotLK were humans could not be hunters.

Hey, get in line, Panda’s first!

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And? That doesn’t disagree with that I said, just that Cata opened up a good bit a lore class/race combos.

Normal humans don’t dable in druidism. Worgen and KT do for specific reasons.

This is one of the many, many, MANY reasons I don’t touch RP realms with a 10 foot pole.

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I agree pandas should get druids.

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Pandas should really have just about every class combination. There’s not a lot of reason for them not to (aside from DH)

It’s way past time for all classes to be unlocked for all races, period. The lore is so jacked up for everything else, why does it matter anymore?


I play on Moonguard because its an active alliance realm but I could fill a book with the negatives. Not the least of which is how pugs treat you when they see “Moonguard” next to your name.

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Sorry…slavers can’t be druids…

Humans are the last race that should get Druids.

You misspelled “First” but its alright.

All races should be able to be druids. They’re the favored class in the game so why not?

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They were not. The Darkspear learned Druidism from Gonk, the Loa of Shapes.

There’s no such thing as a “connection to druidisim”

It’s just a skillset people learn. Sure most of the first druids learned it from Wild Gods, but those Wild Gods didn’t magic the entire race to make them capable of being druids. They just taught someone how to be a druid and that druid taught others.

This is a terrible reason. Lore isn’t “jacked up” it’s expanded and developed.

Opening up all classes to all races wouldn’t hurt the lore. It would expand and develop it even further.

It could be done, Just call us Sha hunters and give us kite wings :crazy_face:

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This is correct actually, remembered incorrectly.

One race teaching another could still work.


I always give the benefit of the doubt. I don’t judge anyone unless they do something dumb but if it’s followed by an apology then all good.