Seems way past time for human druids doesn't it?

I didn’t say hunters didn’t have a connection to nature, I said it wasn’t the same nor on the same level as druids.

Because they aren’t.
Notice how the elemental forces don’t stem from life like nature magic and the wild gods?

I also agree that Shaman needs more race combinations.

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Ok but by this logic the Earth Elemental is in the Arcane School.

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Notice how Holy and Void are polar opposites but one class can be both? Its almost like gameplay trumps “lore” and your argument is reaching.

Not necessarily arcane, but it does stem from order.

How does this relate to hunters and druids or shamans?

And btw, on this statement, I suggest if you want to know why that is you go ask someone more knowledgeable on priest lore than I am.

Gameplay does trump lore, but my argument on the lore isn’t reaching.

The reason I bring up lore is because you’re mentioning it.

Would Blizzard adding a Skinny Kul’Tiran option solve the problem?

Orcs are deep into nature magic. Your argument is that nature magic isn’t nature magic and that classes can only do what your chart dictates despite 1 class doing the exact opposite of that chart.

So again, why are you reaching so desperately for an argument?

Nah, Human Hunters weren’t allowed because they didn’t want them to have access to more classes than other races. They’ve been a thing since vanilla (See Nathanos).

Hence why they got opened up literally as soon as they loosened up the race/class restrictions.

Same thing happened with Dwarf Mages (who were literally playable in the WoW Beta).

Elemental magic*

That elemental magic isn’t nature magic*

Where did I say this?

I’m not.

Didn’t know this, but I didn’t know about humans and hunters in the first place either.

Will read more before forming opinion.

There’s no such thing as a “connection to drudisim” It’s just a skill set you learn.

Besides, they could always be un-cursed Gilneans or reasonably sized Kul’Tirans.


No they weren’t. Early WoW rather explicitly stated that Night Elves could be hunters because of a connection to nature, Dwarves could be hunters because hur dur guns go brr, and Humans couldn’t because of a lack of connection to nature. Maybe the reason was based in gameplay but that isn’t how the reason was explained to players.

What problem? The druids of lore are humans.

Human druids, please!


Really don’t remember seeing anything about that, considering Hunters are mostly considered the ranged counter-part to Warriors (IE anyway who can shoot a bow could be one).

Could be wrong, just have no recalling of it.

It was a big bunch of hooey in Vanilla. Basically humans weren’t connected enough with nature to tame wild beasts and not technologically advanced enough to be using guns. It made literally 0 sense but its what players were told. Probably similar to how Dwarves were treated as in tune enough with nature to be hunters but not enough to be shaman.

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Could I get a source on where this was said?

Because I do agree this is bad logic.

If that’s the case there was a huge lack of consistency then lol.

As one jarring thing i remember is Tauren Hunters starting with a gun, you know Native American “tuned with nature” Tauren, using a gun as their starting weap.

I remember that as well. I think a lot of vanilla logic was hastily thrown together “lore” that was more of an excuse for things they had either chosen to do for gameplay or were unable to do.

If I recall correctly, Tauren started with guns because the Horde needed a hunter race that had innate Gun proficiency.

Or maybe the tons of night elf druids that were displaced when the tree burned, could teach them?

There’s the tie to druidism. Stormwind now houses most of the Night Elf population.


You can not convince me that there isn’t a single human guy who would learn how to be a druid just to get with a Night Elf girl.

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