Seems like self healing is a bit out of whack

So true king :crown:

Cause you are bad?

He thinks DH’s are one. He hasn’t seen an Aff lock yet. Adorable.

Because they are overtuned? Listen if you guys want to be clowns thats fine. I got some make up you can put on.

Look in the mirror, Bozo, you’re the biggest clown at this circus. The big tops just for you, buddy.

in another thread you said wait until max gear before deciding whats OP

does that only apply to evoker because im assuming you play that?
how can i apply that to dh and tanks too shouldnt i wait for max gear?

Two things can be true at the same time. Aff lock can be OP at the same time as DH and Evoker.

Everything is OP right now. Ret is one tapping, DH is one tapping, Shaman is 1 tapping, Aff lock can never die and full drain an entire team, Spriest comes to my house and kills my family with its damage, on top of being tanky.

Like what is going through your head when you specifically excuse Evoker but then go off on some trisomy 21 micro rant about DH’s and tanks?

“Oh man that guy pressed a different coloured 3 buttons than my 3 buttons. He’s so bad, how dare he kill me!”


I have played it, but not mained it yet. I just know they fold like paper if you avoid the one shot which comes after a Dragonrage. Mastery is what tips the balance for them and Dragonrage makes it so they can roll those big numbers. Hunters, dks, Dh, any tank, and locks eat them alive. I am not saying they ain’t overtuned, just that they ain’t that bad.

I didnt excuse it, I even said I would trade the 1 tap. You are just getting up in arms about it cause I guess a evoker touched you wrong. as they did me.

yeah i mean you can kind of just hold tip the scales and dragon rage until someone has no trinket and then instantly 1 shot them in a stun

it doesnt matter how viable the 1 shot is its the fact that it can happen and that its not hard to set up

Nah I’m up in arms because you’ve got some spastic fixation on DH and tanks while ignoring the rest of the cast.

You even in the same post excuse evoker damage and then go “Omg ret literally one shots”. Like cool, Ret also gets tooled by any caster with an above room temp IQ.

Yeah and it’s bad. Just not as bad as others. Thats all I said and suddenly people be thinking I am talking like its okay and fine how it is. It just needs a adjustment to its mastery scaling. Verses classes that wont die and do the same level of damage which requires more then one number tweek to fix. It’s not that bad.

They do literally one shot people. They said pally needed to be brought up and they are already up. You also forgot I mentioned warlock. I am not specifically targeting DH here. That is just a narrative you like because you are mad. Relax dude.

Ya just totally fixating your repeated weird comments lol

Couldn’t agree more. Not only are melee doing massive damage, but they’re basically healers to boot. Good luck killing a Demon Hunter with decent gear. It’s just not gonna happen.

Non-healer healing needs a massive nerf.

Oh wow you got two whole cropped posts. Whoa dude. A fixation that makes. Got me.

Love these forum warrior, dumb guy, gotchas.

“Reeeee tanks and DH. Evoker is fine though because it dies in a stun”

Yep, thanks for the input fellow moon guardian.

Another dumb guy gotcha. No one said it was fine. Be more mad and feel more targeted.

You’re specifically, repeatedly talking about tanks and DH and in numerous posts excuse evoker because they die. “I don’t see it as bad”

It’s fine, don’t worry, one day you’ll be less stupid.