See You All Next Expansion

Color me surprised (not).

This expansion is literally just every expansion since Legion, without anything that makes it stand out. Dragon Gliding with barely customizable dragons isn’t a feature. WQ’s, Dungeons, Raids, and basic PVP is nothing new, it’s the bare minimum. Definitely makes sense to hear it not doing so hot numbers wise.


You people will never be pleased.


it’s a really fun expansion, actually.


People like you should be ignored. You are impossible to please and will always, always, find something wrong.


I can’t really point it out but the contents did burn out fairly quick for me.
Within 2 weeks I pretty much did all the quest that aren’t repeatable.
I play a non-meta DPS and pug everything. Raiding and mythic+ don’t grant me anything in value anymore unless I want to push M+ 20+ or mythic raiding. That’s just too much for me.
I log on every Tuesday and I can complete pretty much everything for the week in a day or two. It’s become habitual to log on to WoW whenever I have free time but it’s often… “wow… there isn’t really anything to do until next Tuesday”


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out! Oh, and see you on the 24th!!

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Players: Dear Blizzard, we hate power grinds and daily chores. Just let us play the game. Oh and make crafting relevant.

Blizzard: Fine! Play around on dragons and do whatever you want, including a whole crafting endgame!

Players: Now wth am I supposes to do? So bored. Fail expansion. I’m out. And p.s. crafting is too complicated and sucks.


It is odd… It’s better then SL and yet I also am bored of the same grinds and just not really all that pulled into the story. I log in for raids, I did keys for a bit but I find them so unenjoyable I can’t be bothered ATM.

Maybe after playing since BC I’m finally feeling the pull away so many eventually get. Been having more fun playing VR with family. Can’t blame many for feeling the games lost its fun.


Got KSM on my other dru, just chilling with alts now.

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You don’t have to post here anytime you are bored or stuck in the game and decide to unsub.

You can tell the devs why you’re leaving when you unsub, there is a field you can tell why.

Idk for the first time I never felt so bored with expansion. I log in, complete a WQ, change to other toon to do something, see al the reps and I just log off.

I though that professions will be interesting but they are locked behind renown, PVP. Idk i’m glad people play this game, but its the first time that I played new expansion for only maybe 20-30 hours in total

With BFA and SL i didn’t get bored until all the way till end , not even then. They where much more interesting.


I guess if you don’t raid, don’t do Mythic+, don’t PvP, don’t have in game friends, yeah, that might be the case.

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Maybe see you around I suppose. I really like Dragonflight so far.


pretty much. Tired one +2 as healer, group got disbanded on second to last boss. PvP is never balanced so I don’t want to even try it, I wish I could have raid group, that raids on weekends only, but all raids are usually at stupid time on stupid days.

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I used to be solo player. I joined a guild and found a community, I enjoy joining a discord and doing keys and raiding.

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I believe you do. Solo players are thrown behind the doors in this game. Not like other MMOS where you can get best gear as solo player, do even dungeons that rewards good gear solo.

And one thing I hate in this game is the reputation now renown character specific. Just make it account wide for the love of God


I called it within launch week, people will be looking back positively on shadowlands in a few months when the dragon riding content is all worn out and there is nothing left to do. Normally there is old content to solo, but blizzard actively and purposely nerfed player power to make it harder.

This expac is like WoD if it had bad quests and failed to introduce interesting new features.


That’s nice.

Why bother? It’s gonna be the same when you come back.

If you’re not into Dungeons, Raid or PvP, there would be not much for you.

you have literally no content done whatsoever on your entire account and youre saying its boring?

no wonder why

you havent done ANY of the content thats available lol