See You All Next Expansion

This expansion is boring dull even the grinds are so boring I just end up not bothering anymore.

This expansion had to much focus on dragon drifting and not enough content was cool as first but now boring.

I’ll resub maybe after a few updates not worth my gaming time at this point.

Be well all!

It’s not a flame topic just a why topic for devs.


u should start a blog


You too! Take care!


You’re not alone. I had fun at first, but I haven’t logged in for about 3 weeks now and don’t miss it.


don’t grind?

If you haven’t figured it out yet I can help, but WoW doesn’t reward the hardcore grinders, they reward the staying customer. There’s always catch up and there’s always time. If you play a little bit every day and pop out what you can you’ll get everything everyone else has.

A bit later, but personal mental health is greater than pixel loot casino.

Just do, just exist, this is the most time friendly expansion in ages and it feels good.


It’s early to write it off before the first content patch. I encourage you to wait around a bit. If not, see you next year!


LOL. They don’t reward or value long-term customers unless they stick to the One True Path™ and play the game right™.


Though not unenjoyable, DF does seem a little bit boring at times :zzz:.
It’s still fairly middle-of-the-road, but that is enough for me to keep going for now (plus, since SL beta, I find my own fun in the 'patagame of forum-focused mini-content of micro-video GIFs).

But, yeah, if you are not enjoying it, the best thing to do is take a break and maybe come back later when the content is maybe more exciting for you.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but does it allow you to say the reason why you are unsubbing when you cancel? That probably gives them more info than this post.


It seems a bit early to write off the expansion, but you do whatever makes you happy.

New expac is nice for what it is, but also opens doors for folks like me who enjoy running older content too.

Going back and facerolling Nathria feels great.


I don’t fault anyone for not wanting to spend time/money into something they aren’t enjoying.

My 2c, keep an eye on WoWhead or MMOCHAMPION. Something you might be interested in may get announced to be patched in down the road.

I could dissect it more, but you know what I mean.

I see you don’t know how to properly utilize dragon riding.


Taking a break is never a bad idea if you’re not enjoying yourself. You might want to check in when the first patch launches though, just to see if there’s something you like.

I’m personally still having a lot of fun in DF. I haven’t had time to play much, so I’m always eager to log on.

If you don’t like the game, then you did the right thing by quitting. Enjoy life, no need to waste your time on something you don’t like. I would do the same though I would not make a post about it. I only look at the forums because the game interests me.

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I did more keys in 2 weeks than i did in entire SL in 2 years


In the words of Thal’kiel “Did it even try?”

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Be at peace daughter of Gondor :crazy_face: Uh I mean Stormwind :rofl:


You guys crack me up to early to write off an expansion why wasn’t the game completely done at launch after all the disasters the last three expansions and that old saying that was repeated forever better to just come back last patch.


You aren’t alone, there’s something about this expansion that isn’t making me want to play.