i’ve already went on to play other stuff. swtor among them they reworked their pvp and its a whole lot more fun.
ill come back 10.1
Yup. We’re at that stage of another expansion.
“This new expansion looks great!”
" Finally! They are fixing their dying game!"
(1 month after release)
“This expansion sucks b@llz!!!”
Literally every expansion.
Don’t much care for DF, but I still play mainly bc its something to do. Come summer tho when I get my new house hopefully, I’m done for a long while
post game is pretty bad so i am not surprised, i am expecting more and more to drop off.
It does have questions and comment box
I think this time there was tons of skepticism leading up to launch.
Yeah, even wotlk and mop.
You are going to give the next one a go given the track record?
You shouldn’t say stuff like this. If enough people agree with you, we’re going to get an artifact power grind before DF is even over.
Yep same, I have some time left on my sub and then I’m going back to FF14. I haven’t played for almost 2 years so I know there will be tons to do. WoW is so dull right now it’s a shame.
it did used to say anyway to write why on the forum
See you, but not in WoW. DF is probably my last expansion. WoW feels taped together. Like an old Civic that has been upgraded. I want something brand new in the Warcraft universe.
Not a bad expansion mechanically, unlike Shadowlands, but if you aren’t invested in the story of the Dragon Aspects you’re SOL.
I’m not so I uninstalled 2 weeks ago.
I’m sort of caught between going back to FFXIV for the new patch and grinding out all my characters here. Even though I want to move to a different server I seem to be leveling my characters here on Feathermoon. Maybe I should just give up on that idea entirely and stay on the Low pop server.
Unfortunately, I have a small army of alts across different servers, and they are in their own “guild” supporting each other.
Dragonflight is funless, the ability to level up to max is atrociously bad. Re-repeating the same “story” stuff and scripted events. Like, how many times do you have to hear the speeches? Or better, how many times do you WANT to re-hear all the speeches?
It kills the story, it makes it get super-old, super-fast. There should be more “non-linear” type quests to skip all that, that allows leveling up in the vast, expansive game world a la PVE action and activity.
OR, make the XP gains way more. I notice the don’t scale up as they should, so it takes vastly longer to level from, say 67 to 68, than from 60 to 61. It’s uneven and should reward the players with the time invested, not punish them. Furthermore, the difficulty scale in mid-to-upper-60s is astronomical, you basically are fighting near-elites, and need to group, otherwise, enjoy popping all your cd abilities, items, and more, waiting for cooldown later, after killing that ONE thing (or two!) for measly XP. Wash-rinse-repeat.
The best option is random-dungeon-finder to level up, do that a plethora of times. But it’s always a dice-roll, and good luck enjoying playing with outright psychos and azzhbjatts disturbing the peace or starting random vote/kick campaigns, for no reason at all, and having to wait 30min. if you leave to get back in. What to do then? Alt-tab and load another game to play? lmao. Did anyone playtest this for the “monthly-subbing when that’s almost extinct”-customer-facing side of things?
I feel like having multiple alts is punish, because now I have to drag them through all this schlock. LOL. I’ve only max-leveled 3 of them so far. Wasn’t easy. lololol.
Seriously, I just hope it gets better for PVE is all.
Do something to allow the solo players to have fun and “chill”.
See them stay = keep up the revenue stream.
Why is it THAT so hard? What is there to lose? MONEY?
Why lose that if you don’t even have to?
Food for thought. Or, if things keep going as-is, maybe “soylent green” for thought? kek.
Anyways, I’m not too worried in the end. Blizzard has always updated stuff to offset the early mishaps or controveries, whatever, based on feedback, in the end. Would be nice to have sooner than later though, is all I’m saying. Iwouldn’t have been playing for freakin’ 18yrs if I REALLY didn’t like the game, ya know.
I love the toys and pvp has been solid.
I guess given I made a reply that magically disappeared, I can’t blame the OP for all the skiddish issues at hand that totally ruin what should be fun, engaging experiences. Who is responsible and what is their excuse going to be in margin calls?
I’d imagine that the devs who got make this stuff, make it this way on purpose, angry they work on a video game so people who don’t work can play wow all day.
Sounds like a break will do you good.
We’ll keep the hearth warm for you. Aka’Magosh!