Seasoning Ending Soon™

Would bank on 23rd being prepatch due to it being exactly 2 weeks from now.


Have they ever had a non-2 week announcement? Kinda weird that they didn’t put a date in the announcement post, but it seems extremely likely that it’s the 23rd all things considered.

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What the heck? I need more than 2 weeks to get glad.

denounce already ditched you??? lmao?


Who are you?

a dude that eats the crispiest of crayons and way better than you

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Are you really going to sit at 2200 lol

Favourite colour?

you as well LOL you couldnt keep denounce with you LOL

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Good man. How embarassing would it be to not get glad when abusing dragon tho?

Pretty funny if he didnt amirite


How am I abusing dragon? Dragon has been my second main since it came out.

That would be like saying you abuse WW.

Unlike you I’ve played WW for 9 years.

Unlike you I didn’t pick up the spec this season and say “its my second main” and still struggle on it when you can’t perform ON your main thats broken atm :slight_smile:

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Wdym? My shaman is 2120 with a high win rate and fewer games. Finding games on my evoker is much easier for some reason.

I haven’t been playing for 9 years, but I’ve been playing Evoker since prepatch.

Dragon just hovers backwards and presses its one button on whatever is following it and doesn’t really have responsibility in the same way enhancement does.


Yup, enh is much harder to learn/play. I don’t think you’ve tried it, so the concept might be very foreign to you. Stick to warrior, you’ll have an easier/fun time. I personally like the challenge.


Turbo is my main comp.


Which one do you play? Not the enh right?

You don’t actually need to physically play a class to conceptualize its playstyle.