Season of Mastery Mechanics For MC and Onyxia Kills SoD

So you found out that 32 players are bad at video games and couldn’t cope, and one more is still deciding if they can cope.

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If you min max every aspect of your raid and have all your DPS geared to the max yes you should be able to streamroll over mechanics that’s the reward for grinding your character to the max and its in line with the classic spirit.

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Maybe the spirit of blizzard’s ‘classic’

But any vanilla spirit was stomped on and destroyed with: warlock tanks, healing mages, runes, OP epic crafted gear at lvl 25, and by then it was already too late and that’s not even counting the 100s of other retail stuff piled on the three phases after that.

My point is that there’s no vanilla left in SoD, so would be strange to expect it to magically reappear in MC.

People need to realize this.

And before they get ahead of themselves, also realize it’s not going to be present in Classic+ either.

That’s the 2019 classic spirit. With no changes.

Raids actually took effort in 2004-2006.

Changes that make the game more like 2004-2006 are GOOD.

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I am an optimist so I think it would be possible to make a classic+, however it would require a totally different appraoch than is currently being taken.

And there would need to be someone with enough influence at blizzard that is well in sync with spirit of vanilla to be in charge and be able to shut down bad ideas.

The problem with retail isn’t so much that they cannot do good things, it is that they do 10 bad / useless things for every decent one, and those things drag the entire experience down.

They need a benevolent dictator for life (BDFL) to run vanilla and make sure all these ‘hype’ ideas that murder the game don’t even get traction. Some bad hype ideas include transmog, duel spec, class tuning, new classes, most QoL, vehicle quests, ANYTHING ON RAILS, gear from tokens, etc.

They didn’t take effort people were just bad. You can’t replicate that by just making things 10x more annoying. There’s no going back to vanilla 2004 with almost non-existing add-ons or weakauras

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There actually is a way to make the game more like 2004-2006, as evidenced by this thread.

You can’t skip Rag’s submerge. Deal with it.

Except you could do that in 2004 if you just got good. So you really have no point here.

The first Ragnaros kill was in 2005. After many nerfs.

You got the nerfed version from day 1 in 2019.

This version is closer to the original, pre-nerf version.

You just want free gear. TOO BAD!

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Not the case at all. Only people with loser mentality like you think this way and it you automatically jump to it as your ultimate conclusion. Know your superiors when they speak to you. I’ve killed all the hardest content the classic trilogy has to offer and speedran ulduar hard modes etc. there’s no such thing as “free loot” to begin with when it comes from killing a boss this is just a gatekeeping concept thought up by mediocre players who need an ego check.

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Why and how did you think that?
Have you just been ignoring the other phases?

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Oh, you liked the pre-nerf Ulduar?

So you agree pre-nerf versions of raids - which is basically what SoM did for classic - is a good thing?

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They should have had it function more like sapphs aura from naxx. Where it makes it more of a dps race, not a 1-shot. I agree 100%. The fact that you have to lower your gear to fire res and barely do damage is the most idiotic part imo.

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Literally this. If 32 players quit because they couldn’t handle the bare minimum, they honestly did the rest of the people on their server a favor lol. Definitely not the type of people I’d want in my groups.

I understand we all have different thoughts on this. Personally I was disappointed to see they made it SOM mechanics. I love SOD a lot, am excited to learn the raids better, and enjoy so many of the choices they’ve made. But I was realllly hoping to get to do MC with regular mechanics at least on heat wave 1.

Maybe they can make a heatwave 0 with one less piece of loot and give basic MC mechanics, but IMO they shouldn’t be releasing any of these vanilla raids as they were in 2019 release for regular difficulties. We can play all that in ERA realms currently, there’s no fun in a target dummy boss lol

Even if you are dancing around the boss avoiding stuff and interrupting it is till basically a target dummy fight. All wow pve is like that.

The questions is how tedious or fun is the actual encounter.

Yup, and outside of a few glaring issues that SoM mechanics had, it overall was pretty fun. Classic MC realistically wasn’t fun. It was a slog fest. It would’ve been a pretty big slap in the face if they had just given us the same basic MC as vanilla with no changes, in a season that is all about changes. Some are upset about “reusing” SoM mechanics, but the vast majority of us did not even get to participate in SoM for various reasons. Myself being unable to participate due to TBC and other MMOs sucking up my time.

The only thing I can agree on most with is that the fire resist system is a bit cheap. I was hoping there would be some sort of counterplay towards not having the exact required fire resist, not getting a 300k conflag to the face if you’re not at the right number set by Blizzard lmfao.

You don’t have to do this actually unless you’re doing Heat3, the completely optional cosmetic only mode. You don’t need any fire resist for Heat 1.