Heat wave 2 is in a similar situation as 3, but I get where you’re coming from with that. I only had 20 fire resist on during trash, a corehound social aggro pulled Garr and I was hit by a 70k conflag from the trash mob bc garr was active
I played SoM but didn’t raid (just ranked 3 toons to blue pvp gear) and quit when there was no more rocket fuel on AH.
So I didn’t try the new raids but I would posit that to a lot of vanilla players the new mechanics aren’t super exciting.
What is fun about MC is pounding through it with a epic raid of 40 people and having a decent time. If one is competitive speed runs and parses are way harder to top than any pve content blizzard has ever released, in vanilla or retail.
I personally find little need to make pve tedious like they do in retail, but i am a pvp players so I mostly pve for the gear. But in my view, pve is always going to be easy and boring no matter how hard the devs make it, because it is easy or impossible. PvE can never really be truly challenging like pvp since you are always fighting a scripted enemy that is designed to be defeated.
i literally just want brain dead pinatas
they need to nerf the trash respawn too btw
It does not kill it for me. It’s still Ony and MC. Feels good to be in there gearing up.
OG Ony and MC mechanics are not some magical thing that makes the game better. They are the same fights with less mechanics. The OG fights are pretty face roll given the strats have been meta’d to death.
The raid wide 1 shot FR mechanics are much more of an issue, IMO, as it limits gearing and where you can move within the boss fights.
The complete opposite actually. Even though I enjoyed clearing the place in an hour with a super competent group I was also able to see that it had a terrible impact on the game as a whole and I would never want it to be done again especially not in vanilla.
Well, good thing Classic Era still exists and you can steamroll MC there!
Naxx ain’t like that, though, even on Era…
Agreed on the respawn timer, there’s no way that its intended. We would have trash respawning on top of us mid fight that we had just killed lol
So not you, for this supposed BDFL role.
Naxx is actually a steamroll on Era, I’d show you my hunter and Mage in full T3 but i never paid to copy them to Era and moved them all to TBC. Can still show you them on Cata though.
I’d need 1000x more haters to even be in the running.
IT IS VERY OBVIOUS that they did not playtest this raid whatsoever. Countless random bugs, hyperspawning trash for example is obviously a bug. Quit yapping about software development methodologies, LOL WHAT SPRINT DID THEY DO? COPY PASTE CODE FROM SOM, + lazy boring fire resistance hard requirement. AND BUGS GALORE
And furthermore who thought this was a good idea also to use SoM raids and not Classic Era raids.
Yes, actually.
Designing a good boss fight is entirely about iteration. You iterate to make improvements. You test the changes. Repeat. Rehashing SoM mechanics is actually lazy design.
Ngl I might just sit this phase out in rank 10 pvp gear.
The problem is that they were “new” or that they were SoM mechanics specifically?
Both, was expecting Classic Era bosses that had their HP/DMG increased to compensate for our increased power. While we get new dungeons and raids.
Oh no, not new content!
Im sorry you have to hold your breath while you do 2-3 mechanics.
Im glad Sod has no mechanics for your group.